• Nuvo Electronic Cigarette Review

    This business appears to have closed. BUMMER! A few short years ago I lost my younger brother to cancer. That really reinforced the fact that smoking is a nasty and dangerous habit! Now, I promise I’m not going to preach or harp at y’all. HOWEVER!! My 34-year-old son Zac doesn’t fall under that promise! While Zac is a little too old to ground or take away his x-box; no matter how much I want too!! I can harp at him. A lot! An AWFUL LOT!! Zac’s a fantastic son!! I want him around until he’s 101! Or longer! So I hinted in a very firm voice, using the ‘mom face’…

  • Pillow Support Seat Cushion Review

    I sit at my computer a LOT! It seems that if I am not in front of my computer I’m in the car. Which equals a lot of sitting. My lower back pays the price. I know using good posture could alleviate a lot of the pain in my lower back. Of course knowing that and actually doing it… two very different things!! Check this Memory Foam Cushion, is a support seat pillow that is designed as coccyx cushion. The cushion is super thick, high density memory foam that provides firm support, while molding to the contours of your body for optimal comfort. When I say firm foam I mean…

  • SuppressMint Review

    So what would you say if I told you there was a breath mint that suppressed your appetite?! Sound odd? I thought so too! So I couldn’t wait for my Suppressmint to arrive. My first thought was will it have the aftertaste of a vitamin or medicine? I’m thrilled to report that it doesn’t. There is no medicine taste! Just fresh breath AND bonus your appetite will be under control for up to 3 hours. So, what is a Suppressment?  It’s a small white mint that is super easy to use. I found taking a drink of water first helps me to ‘set’ the mint. You want to moisten the mint…