• Naked Nutrition

    Trick or Treat #nakednutrition Naked Bar

    If you’ve been around Peanut Butter and Whine for a while you know I’m a huge fan of the Naked Nutrition Products.  My obsession started with the Peanut Butter Blueberry Naked Shake I love all things Peanut Butter (obviously! Right?) Tasty!!! I mean milkshake tasty! Filling too! Naked Bone Broth was next.  The benefits are amazing.  From healthy nails, shiny hair, healthy joints. This one is just so good for you! So easy to add to your day as well. As much as I love my Peanut Butter Blueberry Shake, the Pumpkin Spice Naked Shake absolutely made me giddy! Hot or cold! I haven’t even felt the need to hit…

  • The Benefits of Walking

    Exercise has become popular over the past few years. There are many ways people are keeping fit. Walking, however, isn’t the first choice amongst Americans. Your selection of physical activities doesn’t have to be for long periods or intense, for you to benefit from it. Walking for thirty minutes a day carries plenty of advantages that contribute to your holistic well-being. Let’s look at a few of the benefits you can gain from this exercise: Weight Loss Walking might seem like a tedious movement with no real benefit. Losing weight is possible if you are intentional about your exercise and walk about 45 minutes a few days a week. The…

  • 7 Reasons To Cut Out Sugar Aside From Weight Loss!

    It’s no secret that sugar is bad for you and you shouldn’t eat too much of it. If you have a very high-sugar diet, you are likely to gain a lot of weight, and it can be difficult to lose that weight again unless you cut back on the sugar. But weight gain isn’t the only problem caused by sugar, and even if you are happy with your weight, that doesn’t mean that you should be eating a lot of it. People tend to think that they don’t need to worry about their sugar intake unless they are overweight but that isn’t the case at all. In reality, there are…

  • The Zing Anything Aqua Zinger Water Bottle!

    Everyone knows the benefits of drinking water. First, drinking water is a great weight loss strategy. Water makes your skin look better. It’s true, hydrating helps plump up those fine lines and wrinkles. Water will help you fight off fatigue and flush out toxins. Water can help with headaches! Water. It’s a glorious, wonderful thing and it’s boring as all get out!! Not anymore!! HOORAY!! The Aqua Zinger Water Bottle is no longer available, but this water bottle is pretty darn close! I think I would like it more than the Zinger. Check this OUT!! The Zing Anything Aqua Zinger Water Bottle lets me make flavored water to make it…

  • True Inspiration!! From AdvoCare (Minus 161 POUNDS!! Worth of Inspiration!!)

    Don’t forget to enter for a box of Spark energy drink.  You’ll be thankin’ me if you win!! a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review and or any banners on this site. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.

  • Udi Gluten Free Foods Back to School Lunch Challenge!!

    I have to admit, when someone offers me a challenge I am IN!! I was definitely in when the makers of Udi Foods challenged me to make a week’s worth of gluten-free school lunches. I immediately went to work!!  I have to admit I’m not very creative with lunches. I’m a sandwich and chips girl, but Udi products made it easier to spin off the chips/sandwich merry-go-round for at least a couple of lunches! First, I had to learn a little more about making a Gluten-Free meal.  The Mayo Clinic has a great article on what’s allowed and what’s not. Yes, I did a couple of sandwiches I can’t help…