• Advice for Getting Through a Long Distance Move with the Kids!

    Relocating to a completely different environment can be exciting, but it also brings with it a certain level of stress. From making sure that you’ve tied up all the loose ends to dealing with the emotional aspect of leaving familiar surroundings, a long distance move can be both financially and emotionally draining. In my personal opinion, this amount of stress only doubles when you’re making the move with small children in tow. Not only are you responsible for ensuring that you’re ready for the move, but you’re also responsible for ensuring that your children are equally ready. Below are a few bits of advice on how to make the long-distance…

  • Pertinent Home Repairs before Selling Your Home

    You’re recently received your dream job offer in an amazing area and it’s time to pack up and move. However, this means you will be selling your home in atlanta and get it ready for a potential new owner. Suddenly you’re feeling completely overwhelmed because doing everything in such a short amount of time seems impossible. Does this sound a lot like you? Before you stress out there are solutions so you can still get everything done in time to move and start your new life. It is possible to move and get your family situated before your dream job begins. For starters there are important home repairs you need…