• Trail Cam pictures Sandpoint Idaho

    What’s on The Trail Cam Friday!

    These trail cam pictures really show our wacky winter weather this season. Pffffffffffffftttttttt say that 3 times fast!!! One day tons of snow (Could have 16 feet this weekend!! SIXTEEN!?!?) then the rain melts the snow. Spoiler alert! We had a halfa sunshine day!! I have the pictures to prove it!! So here are our friends. Please note how big these bucks are getting. Still no sign of the moose on camera. Although we can hear them and see hoof prints……… yeah I know …. move the trail cam. I will try to remember and get out there before it’s buried under SIXTEEN feet of snow! But first…. DO you…

  • Trail Cam Pictures from Sandpoint Idaho

    What’s On The Trail Cam Friday!

    Diane, you pointed out there hasn’t been much to comment on lately. Let’s just call it L-A-Z-Y!! So, I here by designate Fridays as “what’s on the trail cam!” So, after going through 3000 (yeah, you read that correctly 3000) photos I found a few that are post-worthy. I also realized that the batteries must be low because all I have are night photo’s. We get constant traffic by this trail cam. It’s directly on the side of my craft room. I never get tired of the visitors. Here is what we got this week! Here are a few more trail-cam photos

  • found it in the trees

    HA!! Found It!

    Found IT!! For those of you who read the last post know that I set out my trail cams to try and catch photographs of the new bear cub that is wandering in the trees surrounding our house. Mama and cub come around daily. So, I put two trail cameras out somewhere in the 10-acre spread then promptly forgot WHERE I set them up. TWO DAYS PEOPLE!!! TWO!! But, I was able to locate both cameras. The first camera the battery died the same day it went out. It had ZIP, ZERO, NADDA in photos. Nothing! The second camera I did not clear enough of the brush around it, so…