Crayon Crunch – A Personalized Adventure Book for Every Child

Doesn’t every child deserve to go on an adventure? I am excited to announce that Crayon Crunch is launching a Kickstarter campaign to be the first personalized children’s book that is inclusive to every ethnicity and special need. While most personalized books allow the reader only to customize the lead character’s name, Crayon Crunch is taking personalization to a new level.

The printed picture book is filled with beautiful illustrations and allows readers to fully customize the lead character’s appearance. Including the name, facial features, eye color, hair color & style, skin tone and clothing. They even allow readers to add special needs such as glasses, wheelchair, prosthetics, and more.

The story is about your child who finds a magical box in the attic with a keyhole in the shape of the first letter of his/her name. Because the key is nowhere in sight, your child goes on an adventure where he or she meets many interesting characters that help him/her find the key. When your child finally unlocks the box there is a surprise for your child. Inside the box is a personal letter from a parent, family member, or friend who purchased the book.

About Crayon Crunch:The idea for Crayon Crunch was born when co-founder Friederike Geiken visited her nephew for Christmas. She brought him a personalized book, where the lead character’s name was personalized to match her nephew’s. While everyone in Friederike’s family loved the book, her nephew could not associate himself with the character. There had to be a better way! Frilogo-hrederike joined forces with Tim Osterbuhr and Kai Schmittat to launch Crayon Crunch. What started out, as a project to create a better book for her nephew quickly became a mission to represent every child in a printed book.

Check out Crayon Crunch on their Kickstarter page.

This project truly struck a place in my heart and I hope that you will go and support Crayon Crunch. What an awesome endeavor! Every child really deserves their own story in print!!

I love the colors and I am giddy over the personalization. I think you will be too.


  • Carol S.

    How creative, what a wonderful idea. This will be such a perfect gift, and one that the grandchildren can cherish for a lifetime. Thank you for the introduction.

  • Krystal Waters

    I think it’s amazing that all that can be done. That would make a child feel really special. I liked getting a personalized book when I was a kid but it was just a name.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    I’m really loving these books! I think it’s so awesome that someone came up with a way to not only entertain children and spark their imaginations, but also a way to use these books as a teaching tool. I really enjoyed learning about these books. They would make great gifts for the kids in my life. Thank you!

  • Julie Wood

    This is such a good idea to personalize a book and the child goes on an adventure and finds a letter just for them at the end of the book! I love it so much.

  • Sarah L

    Personalized books are good. This kind of personalization is even better. Kids need to see themselves in the book, not just their name.

  • Sandy Weinstein

    what a great idea, love it, we really need things like this today. i am so tired of dealing with nasty remarks abt religion, racism, etc.

  • Tamra Phelps

    This is a great idea! Everyone loves to color. I read recently that the number one selling book on Amazon is a coloring book for grownups! (By which I don’t mean porn, lol, just more intricate designs to color.)


    I was given a personalised version of Sleeping Beauty back in my 30s and loved it straightaway. It’s such a wonderful and meaningful idea for a preent that will always be treasured.

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