Day 4 of my Hawaiian Souvenir A Day giveaway!!
Welcome to Day 4 of my Toes in the Sand Hawaiian Souvenir Giveaway!! Recap, ya’ know in case you’re new here… yadda yadda ya..
I am finally sitting on a beach with my toes in the sand! I have a frilly drink in my hand and I am in HAWAII with ONLY the girls!!!!!!!! While I’m in Hawaii I’m hosting a weeks worth of souvenirs GIVEAWAY!!!
Now, these aren’t big giveaways, BUT, everyday while I am chillin’ on the beach, a new giveaway will start. These are short giveaways with only 5 entries each. The prize is a souvenir from Hawaii. Each prize will be under $10.00. Maybe a magnet, key ring or ???? Each one will be different and from Hawaii.
Good Luck!! And truly, THANK YOU for visiting!!
If you collect souvenir pennies, spoons, patches, pencils or magnets be sure to let me know and I’ll be sure to send you that item if you win.
Thank you again!!
Okay, on to the giveaway!

Deanna Middendorf
I’d have to knock em’ out with my big a@@ grandma sized Mega cell phone. I then would only have my sleeping, snoring, over weight dog on the right hand side to help me out!
Brandi Dawn
I am in trouble!!! All I have to my right is the teddy bear that sits on my dest and my sunglasses…maybe I could just try to make him smile? haha
Alesha Lane
Shirts are awesome 🙂 😉
Alesha Lane
I would defend myself w my charm, good looks..ha ha..and a big bag of whoop a $$
Lindsey L
My scanner and a letter opener! Speaking of zombies, can’t wait for the walking dead to start back on Sunday!
Heather B
My 3 year old son and his Ipad….. hmmm
Sarah L
I’m defending myself with a carved wooden giraffe. Not very useful.
Thanks for the contest.
Diane K. Brimmer
Well I guess as the judge would say I could throw the book at them. Or I could throw the word at them as it would be my bible as that would be to the right side of me. LOL! Either way it might get rid of any type of zombies.
Ashley Irby
My son’s bottle of bubbles. :/
Tamra Phelps
It looks like I’m fighting zombies with a tv remote, lol. Do you think I could just click them away?
Jan Lee
My computer modem so I’d throw it at them lol 🙂
Nancy C
Gosh whatever is nearby. Just like in “The Walking Dead” I’d go for the head….
OOOH it looks like Diet Coke. Maybe I can bash their heads in since it is unopened.
Janice Dean
I’ll get them with my trusty notebook and pen 😀 Maybe I can give them lethal paper cuts. Thanks
Maximum fire power. Bye bye zombies!
rochelle haynes
I would defend myself with what
ever is the closest thing to me at that time,
Melissa S
I would be defending myself with a cold cup of coffee. I think I would be in trouble.
Robin Abrams
I would be defending my self with a polar pop and puppy 🙂
Audra watts
I would defend myself with an alarm clock and a cat. She has sharp claws I could throw her at them!
Marnie G
I guess I could defend myself with my tablet, TV remote and the file from my manicure kit. I should probably be more prepared for these potential events. 🙂