Day 4 Photo-A-Day MELTING

Look at ME! I’m on a roll here!! Day 4 of my Photo-A-Day. This is really helping me get back into the habit of blogging more consistently. So, going strong on day 4! (yes, me again with the sarcasm! ALWAYS the sarcasm!)

31 days of pictures from inside my amazing craft-room. Or as in todays prompt just outside my amazing craft-room.

Today’s photo prompt is Melting.  As in HOLY GUACAMOLE BATMAN it’s COLD outside!!! -19 with wind chill, (which is a direct opposite of how beautiful it looks outside with the stunning blue skies!!) Seriously WHAT can MELT?!?! Even the icicles outside are looking pretty healthy! Photo-A-Day icicles melting

Since technically, that isn’t INSIDE the craft-room I also am adding a candle shot. I always have candles burning while I’m in my room. Who doesn’t love a beautifully scented room?

Photo-A-Day candle melting

If you have a melting picture that you want to share email it to me at


  If this catches on I’ll do a weekly post of all the pictures!! In the subject line write MELTING


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