Elite Gold’s Ultimate Pure MCT Oil

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
Pure MCT Oil is new to me. But, I’m determined to look better and feel better in 2014, so I am thrilled to review Elite Gold’s Ultimate MCT Oil.

Here is what I learned about MCT Oil. MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglycerides, it’s found naturally in coconut oil and palm kernel oil.  MCT will burn fat and increase energy. The increase is energy is something I am constantly trying to accomplish. This little 2 year old is kickin’ my behind!!

MCT is one of those fats that is rapidly and easily digested, which means that it’s not a stored fat(Medium Chain Triglycerides) is a type of fat that can be rapidly and easily digested by the body.  Digested easily means that MCT does not get stored as fat like other energy sources do.  Other fats require a large amount of enzymes and bile acids for the intestine to absorb it. MCT doesn’t! So that means I have increased energy!

You can use MCT Oil in salad dressings, smoothies, soups and other recipes. You can also take it straight from the bottle. Eventually you will consume 4 ounces a day. I am up to 2 ounces a day. I take it straight from the bottle, it’s a very light oil. It really has no taste at all. I take it like a shot first thing in the morning. I normally take a short nap with Alice when she goes down for hers. NOT for the last 10 days!! I haven’t needed it!!

Made in the USA, Zero Binders, Fillers, or Additives, No Artificial Ingredients EVER!! Elite Gold’s MCT Oil can be used regularly in salad dressings, smoothies, soups and many other recipes.  Order now and discover the benefits of this amazing fast-acting liquid energy source!

I am gaining incredible energy!! I’m noticing a difference in how my jeans fit too! I had to start using a BELT!! I am thrilled and feeling GREAT!!! This is a KEEPER!!! And it’s $10 off right now on Amazon for the large 32 ounce bottle it’s only $39.99. I believe it’s pure gold and worth every single cent!!

Just a extra little note, when you start taking MCT Oil be sure to start slow and let your body adapt. If you take the full dose (3 Tablespoons) right away you will be in the bathroom A LOT!!

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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