Five Tricks To Brighten Your Face

We all get run down easily these days. Our busy work schedules and social lives can very quickly get in the way of taking some time out for ourselves. And all this pressure and stress takes a toll on our skin, especially on our face.

You don’t need to watch yourself age before your time. All you need is to fit ten minutes into your day to work on your skin routine. Want to know how to keep your skin glowing? Here are my five top tips to brighten up your face!

  • Brighten up tired eyes

A fresh face can be ruined by tired red eyes. If you forget to look after your peepers, you could be spoiling all the effort you put into your face! The best way to relieve sleepy eyes is to prevent them from getting too tired in the first place. If you wear contact lenses, wear them for as little as possible. When you do wear them, make sure it’s a brand that lets your eyes breathe through the material, like acuvue lenses. If you don’t wear lenses, you can help your eyes by applying a daily eye cream.



  • Moisturise

Moisturise your skin to keep it supple and flawless. We all have different skin types, including oily and dry, meaning we all need slightly different moisturisers. Thankfully, there are many out there on the market. Try out a few that are suited to your type of skin until you find one which leaves your face feeling silky smooth.

  • Remember a night cream

Your skin repairs itself during the night. To give it a helping hand, apply a night cream before you go to sleep. In the same way as a moisturiser, it will keep your skin soft and supple. The only difference is that night creams are loaded with a whole load more vitamins and minerals. Because of this, they are often slow working and intenser than day moisturisers. You could, in theory, wear your night cream during the day. Just remember that they usually give the skin a very greasy appearance and could affect your makeup application.

  • Prime your skin

Primer is a fantastic cream that can do so many different things! If you want to cover wrinkles, minimise your pores’ appearance or create an even surface on your skin, a primer is what you need! It’s great for those days you think you are having a bad skin day. Pop your primer on and no one will notice!



  • Destress

Last but not least, take some time to chill out! Stressing on the inside, will show on the outside – especially on your face. Even if you take just half an hour to yourself before bed, all you have to do is relax on the sofa in front of your favourite movie. Improve the zen in your room with some candles and essential oils. Anything to help you take the mind off your hard day at work!

Keep this post handy for those days your skin isn’t at its best – you’ll now be able to hide any flaws without anyone ever knowing!


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