FotoJet Designer Graphic Design App! GIVEAWAY!!

I am forever trying to find, create or design a pretty header that fits Peanut Butter and Whine. It’s not easy! I should say it WASN’T easy.

FotoJet Designer is a simple and yet powerful graphic design app that allows me the freedom to design a header for everything from Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and my blog. However, it does even MORE! Invitations? Yup. Store signs. Yup.  Magazine cover? Yup. So much more!!
photography backdrops

The best part!? It doesn’t take a PhD to use! It’s not only easy to use but it’s rather addicting once you get started.  Like how I get you to look at pictures of Alice without just plastering her face everywhere?

The FotoJet Designer is available for Mac and Windows!

* 900+ templates available for social media graphics, cards, posters, flyers, banners
* Thousands of resources: clipart, fonts, effects, backgrounds, lines and shapes, etc.
* Powerful editing tools: crop, resize, rotate, layer management, duplicate, undo/redo

There are so many features that I love starting with the ability to start with my custom size or work with the different size templates that are already available. For the WordPress theme that I’m using the dimensions  of 1000 by 329 makes the perfect header.

Once I got started creating it was hard to stop. It’s addicting and fun! Check out the trial version HERE

A feature that I really loved was the ability to change the background and leave the graphics in place. So playing was super easy. Yes, I did get a tad carried away.

Whaddya all think of the new header? Or should I swap it out for one of these? It’s so hard to decide!!

Header for PBnWhine

Header for PBnWhine

Header for PBnWhine

I can change all my social media headers easily! So if you want to change your Facebook header? Easy peasy! Twitter?  Same! Design Thank you cards or invitations. Easy!

Okay so enough yappin’ how about a giveaway?!  As in THREE winners for Mac and THREE winners for Windows! That’s alotta winners! This is for the FotJet Design app only.  It’s super easy to use!

Rubber Floor backdrops for Photography uk

Good Luck!!



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