How to Build a Business from Home

Now, more than ever before, people are beginning to question the traditional business model. Thanks to the advent of technology and the fact that almost all of us have access to the internet at home, we’re starting to ask a simple question: why can’t I build a business from right here in my sitting room?

The answer is that you can. With old-fashioned office spaces becoming increasingly unnecessary, and shops no longer required for selling your wares, there’s nothing to say you can’t start your business with minimal overheads by beginning it right where you are. 

All that could be in the way, really, is not knowing how to get going. So here is a simple five-step process to help you get set up.

Create a workspace 

Build a Business desk

Before you go any further with the idea of beginning your own at-home business, you need to start by creating a workspace. While no one is saying this has to be an office in the traditional sense, it does need to be somewhere that you’re able to concentrate and keep all of your work paraphernalia to hand, so set aside a spare room or even a secluded shed or corner. As long as it’s somewhere that you’re able to sit down, focus, and get into a proficient and productive mindset, it should work just fine.

Learn how to manage your time

One difficulty you might face when you first begin to work from home is finding you’re not quite sure of how to manage your time. Without the strict routine of your old office or workplace, it can be easy to fall into the habit of procrastinating, but there are plenty of ways to avoid this. As well as apps that have been designed for this purpose, you can also go down a more traditional route and draw up a daily timetable, charting what you’ll do and when. Tick the tasks off as you go to give yourself a pleasant sense of satisfaction when your work is done.

Take out appropriate insurance

Building your own business can be incredibly rewarding, but it also means taking care of tasks that have always been managed by somebody else before. One of these is insurance. For any business that wants to protect its future, having an appropriate policy in place is essential, so you might want to take a look at a company like Next Insurance for cheap workers’ comp insurance. Allowing you to tailor your cover to your unique needs, this is a great option for new businesses on a budget, allowing you to arrange suitable cover without breaking the bank.

Keep on top of your accounting

Build a Business calculator

As well as taking out a suitable policy, there’s another form of admin you’ll want to stay on top of. We’re talking, of course, about your accounting, and while it’s entirely up to you whether you manage this yourself or hand it over to a professional, it’s a wise idea to keep up to date with it. This means that when it comes time to pay your taxes, you should find the process is much easier than you expected.

Don’t forget to market your products

Last but not least, remember that you’re going to need to shout about your business from the rooftops. Without an audience or a shop floor, you’ll find it impossible to make a sale if you remain inactive, so be sure to take full advantage of search engine optimization and your social media platforms. You’ll find a handy guide to both here, so get reading, do some research, and focus on bringing your brand to the attention of as many people as possible.

What are you waiting for? Take the plunge today and begin building your very own business!


  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m guessing a lot of people are looking for ways to start home businesses right now, especially businesses that don’t require a lot of outside contact.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I think the temptation to do home stuff, whether it’s watching TV or vacuuming, would be my biggest issue. You would really have to be strict about what is work time, I think. At least, I would.

  • Rosie

    There is so much to know if you want to do it properly and legally. It is something I’d consider if I had the right circumstances, our condo assn doesn’t allow it, unless you are telecommuting and you aren’t doing anything like getting shipments, etc. I’d have to move to a town that allows it.

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