How To Stop Procrastinating


Sand timer
If ever there was a book written just for me… this IS IT!!!
I have the worst time with procrastinating!  Seriously, I get into moods where I could care less about that stack of stuff on the table…that leaks over to the counter that oozes down the hallway.  This whole week has been the worst. (Okay let’s be truthful it’s wayyyyy longer than a week!)
The point is,  I could have cleaned the house and had everything done for tomorrows Thanksgiving dinner WAY early… but NO not me!!
No instead I waited so long that this whole mess has become so overwhelming!!
So when I was chosen to review a book by Trevor Johnson called “How to Stop Procrastinating”.  I knew this was meant for me!!
Trevor writes about the 7 “tried and tested techniques” and I have to say… it WORKS!!
AND now/?!?!?!  I have to tell you.  My house is CLEAN!!  Not only is my house clean….  I checked my emails. I entered a few giveaways. I worked on my Google+ (do NOT get me started on that one!!)  AND still managed to have a clean house!!  I’m not frustrated.  I had time to do all things that had to get done and a few that were only important to me.
And…. for those that know me…. I’m announcing here and now I am starting to work on my craft/storage room next week.  (The people that have seen that room have now just fainted…..)
If you are like I am where you start projects everywhere and half way through look over to the other side of the room and …… “OH look! Shiny!”  This book is for you!
How to Stop Procrastinating” by Trevor Johnson  PERFECT timing… the buzzer just went off and I have homemade cranberry sauce to make!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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