If You Won The Lottery What Would You DO???

Tonight, I’m looking around my house and thinking………..ackkkk I’m over the entire thing……… and everything in it!! From the mailbox to the back fence!!  I’m in  a RUT!!  Maybe it’s the weather?  I don’t want to clean, I don’t want to organize. I am embarrassed to tell you that I still have several Christmas decorations out!! WHAT?!?!? It’s January 23rd!! I’m a New Years Eve everything gets put away to start the New Year off on the right foot!! THE TWENTY THIRD?!?!? That’s insane!!  So, rather than put away the Christmas stuff, clean the house and reorganize……. I’m daydreaming about winning the lottery.  A BIG win!  THE millions kind of Lottery win, I need big money for what I want.

I would start off with a parcel of land with lots of trees!  I would have a BIG house built smack in the center. So of course, that day dream lead me back to Pinterest, (which means I’m never getting this house cleaned) I found some really great houses, some fantastic kitchens and some awesome idea’s for my picture wall. I love the idea of all the same color and style of picture frame on each wall. I would start with wholesaleposterframes.com and grab all the same color and style of frames and mats. Right now my walls are very random, no two frames are the same. My new dream house will be so chic. You should check out my Dream House Board on Pinterest. My (dream) house is AWESOME!!
PictureWallFrom Pinterest I went to some of my favorite blogs for more ideas, Random Ramblings has a wall idea with all the same color picture frames on the wall. Ya know, the more walls I see with this same color frames, the more I am in LOVE!!

What about you? Do you like the same color frames? Or are you eclectic with your frames?? Okay, fine, I’ve procrastinated long enough, time to clean….. but I should add more to my Dream House Board on Pinterest, you know so it’s worth looking at.  Yea… cause tomorrow is a better day to clean!!


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