L.Ron Hubbard’s Six Gun Caballero

Did you know before L. Ron Hubbard founded the first Scientology church in December of 1953. L. Ron Hubbard wrote pulp fiction books in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Pulp Fiction refers to the cheap paper used when printing the pulpwood paperbacks. L. Ron Hubbard wrote over 250 books pulp fiction books. Books that are timeless. Thanks to Galaxy Press, these stories are back!! Books are on CD or Paperback.

The latest CD is Six Gun Gaballero. I love the CD’s. I listen in the car and thoroughly enjoy each and every one of the books I’ve listened too. The CD books are full of sound effects and multiple readers! I love these books!! I get completely immersed in these books. The West truly comes alive with clapping hooves, thundering guns, and MORE!!

There’s old time Spanish guitar music at the end of each chapter. These CD’s are like listening to a Broadway play. I love these books!!

Six Gun Caballero is about a handsome, charming, and totally outgunned, Michael Patrick Obañon!! In my mind I picture Antonio Banderas.

Obañon’s lost his New Mexico spread—and he could lose his life if he’s not careful. A ruthless band of renegades have seized his land, and he’s determined to get it back. Part Irish, part Mexican, Obañon is as American as they come—crafty, confident, and cool under fire—and before he’s done the world will know how the West will be won.

In the 1930s a radio program, Writers and Readers, hosted by Bob de Haven, delivered news of the hottest authors of the day—interviewing the writers behind the stories. Here’s how he promoted an upcoming broadcast with L. Ron Hubbard: “He has placed in print a million and a half words. He is a quantity producer, well paid and in constant demand. He has outlined some valuable information on his lead novelette . . . Six-Gun Caballero.” It is an introduction to Hubbard that is as pertinent now as it was then.

L. Ron Hubbard’s “If I Were You”

As soon as the music started I was hooked. The music is very Indiana Jones exotic. I felt like I was being transported to 1930.  L.Ron Hubbard’s “If I Were You” is an animated exciting story!! I always have a book on CD in the car I hardly ever listen …

If you are a Westerns fan, a Louis L’Amour fan or like me, a L.Ron Hubbard fan, you will love these books! I promise!

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2 Very Enthusiastic thumbs WAY, WAY up for Six Gun Caballero!!

Disclosure: I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter and Whine

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