Made with Dad: From Wizards’ Wands to Japanese Dolls, Craft Projects to Build, Make, and Do with Your Kids

I have the perfect gift idea for MOMS!!!  Yes, the title of this book is called Made with Dad: From Wizards’ Wands to Japanese Dolls, Craft Projects to Build, Make, and Do with Your Kids written by Chris Barnardo; but follow my line of thinking here…….. you buy this book for Dad and the kids and then YOU get to have some much deserved quiet time!! How smart am I?!?!

In all seriousness, this is a unique book that includes 50 fab fabulous projects for fathers to make with their children. Projects include everything from samurai swords to pocket-size dolls, wizard wands to paper zoos.

First and foremost! All projects can be made from affordable, easy-to-find items—often regular household ones already owned. I don’t know about you; but once I’m all excited about a project I want to do the project NOW!! I don’t want to run to the store, I don’t want to order it on-line, because if that happens ….. wellllllll the project usually sits around for days or weeks!!  My absolute favorite part of this book is the first section labeled  “Before You Start”, you will know what items you need to have on hand!!  A good list of things to have on hand are already in my craft cupboard; things like a hot glue gun, double-sided tape, Polymorph.

There are 253 pages in Made With Dad.  The projects are great for kids as young as 6 and older. Packed with 50 different projects from model making to cooking, crafting to experimenting.

Other sections include: Easy Projects, Arts and Crafts, Waves and Wheels, Great Adventures, Final Frontiers, Happy Holidays, and Advanced Models. Each section has projects for the younger kids too and ones that both boys and girls would be interested in. Butterfly

One of the best features of this book is the short “Being There” page providing suggestions on how to build a strong father/child bond. I love that!!

Added bonus, you can access all the templates from the book on the Made With Dad website which is awesome if you don’t want to cut up your book or if you bought the digital download.
ChrisChris Barnardo is a designer and inventor with a first class degree in Biomedical Science and Engineering and 25 patents to his name. He has been a champion for dads through his work on his website, dadcando, and is passionate about using creativity, ideas and problem solving to make every day of your life an adventure.

The eldest of six and a father of four, Chris knows the value of the time fathers spend with their children. Chris has also written Dragonolia, designed the successful card game, Plop Trumps and co-founded The Wand Company, makers of the Kymera Wand (the world’s first real magic wand), BBC’s Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver replica remotes and The Original Series Star Trek Phaser replica.

Follow Chris on his Website • Twitter


Not a single one!! Made with Dad: From Wizards’ Wands to Japanese Dolls, Craft Projects to Build, Make, and Do with Your Kids is a wonderful book to help Dad’s connect with their children which is so important!!




    My only whine would be that it’s ever so sexist! Having said that my Dad taught me so many things about problem solving and thinking outside the box (he once kept a part from a 1965 Morris Minor because it would “come in handy one day” and finally found a use for it in 1999!). I’m the one who can wield a drill, decorate & DIY, do the regular car maintenance etc & I’m not a Dad!

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