May 2016 $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

Here it is…… My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower!

The May Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and definitely going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases are always appreciated. It’s also very appreciated if you like any of my reviews on Amazon. (I AM the queen of subtle hints!! I just can’t make it an entry because of Amazon’s terms of service. But I will be forever grateful AND able to continue to afford this giveaway)

Win $50 Your Way!Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!!

The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!


  • Brian E.

    My day went well; good news that our daughter’s dentist visit went well this afternoon; not looking forward to weather forecast for later this week i.e. 100 degree temps are beginning !

  • Eugenia Hall

    Its going so so, I only got a couple of hours of sleep but I did get everything done that I wanted to today so that’s a plus.

  • jules m.

    my day is going ok, i’m back at work and its very hot and humid here, but its about to rain and looks like it will rain all week long. this wont help my frog problem. one was outside my window all night croaking. 🙁

  • Lori Vann

    My day is actually going wonderfully. The process server was finally able to serve my boyfriends crazy ex-wife with paperwork they need to finalize their divorce (after 16 months!).

  • Becca

    My day is going okay. I woke up panicking because I heard the garbage truck outside, but then I calmed down because I put my bins out last night.


    Another glorious day today! Nothing much happening but I’m meeting up with some of the choir tonight for a pub grub meal and singsong before we break for the summer.

  • clojo9372

    It is quite rainy today. I did some Tabata and I feel exhausted now lol! I am going to work now and then enjoy the rest of my day! 🙂

  • michele soyer

    The weekend was a basic showery one but still our family had a good one.. Today I want to relax and recuperate….

  • Hesper Fry

    Today has been going really good! I got to spend time with my family and we enjoyed a great cookout for dinner tonight.

  • Carolyn Daley

    Today could have gone better, but overall it was nice even though things did not go according to plan.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a quiet day. My niece & nephews are off at their other grandparents’ house today, so there’s no noise, lol.

  • clojo9372

    Today was a very good day! On this holiday Monday I just did some light cleaning and did some low impact step aerobics with strength training. We had gyros for dinner… Tasted awesome!! 🙂


    I haven’t done anything particularly out of the ordinary, just the usual humdrum housework & caring for Mum but the weather’s gorgeous so who cares!

  • Suzanna Pickering

    After yesterdays rainstorms today is cooler and quiet so far very quiet my day is going fine Happy Memorial Day to all who ovserve

  • michele soyer

    Today is my niece’s birthday.. she is in Barbados right now so I cannot see or call her will facebook her…

  • Mai T.

    It’s nice to know mom is having a good time traveling in the capital with friends. I’m worried about the dog at home though.

  • Stephanie Larison

    Happy Memorial Day! We were suppose to be going to a family cookout but more storms are coming so we’re changing it to next weekend.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home after a wonderful wedding I attended yesterday. No rice or birdseed, just individual things of bubbles to blow.

  • Michelle C

    So far, my day has been wonderful. I’m just hanging around the house with the family, and doing a bit of laundry.

  • Becca

    My day got off to a funny start. My mom called and I answered by saying “oh crap” because I had slept in until 10:30. She was giggling.

  • Tracy Robertson

    My day is going well so far! I’ve only been awake for about 90 minutes and I’m lingering over my coffee, then I’m going to help my parents out today. It’s a nice Sunday!


    I have been to church three times since Friday. I am not a believer but I do believe in the power of people coming together for a common cause. In my case, it was to sing and I sang my heart out … now back to reality and, as they say, the show must go on …

  • clojo9372

    Today is Sunday. No workouts only fun and relaxation. Gonna have lunch and then relax some more! LOL! 🙂

  • michele soyer

    Yesterday we had a perfect BBQ… I felt so blessed to have my daughter with us she makes me so proud…..also heard from last employer who still wants me after all these years to come back… made me feel appreciated and validated…

  • Mai T.

    Nice food and nice talk with friends. I always wonder how long a certain relationship works. I watched the movie HOW TO BE SINGLE and I feel like breaking away.

  • Sandy Weinstein

    my day started out good til my nasty neighbors started their crap again, had to call the sheriff, who refused to do anything….now i have to go get a warrant and sue them again for digging up my driveway and trying to block my access.


    Poor Mum is having it really tough. The side-effects of the chemo are finally hitting her & projectile vomiting is the latest thing so I’ve been doing a LOT of mopping up. Still I’m heading out tonight as my choir is giving a choral performance in aid of a local charity. I’ll have to leave her with a bucket & just deal with it later.

  • michele soyer

    I have decided to relax today – the heck with the daily cleaning.. having a BBQ this afternoon so cooking is only salads..


    I got to sleep in till 9.30am – bliss! Then some scurrying around town to replenish the ‘fridge & cupboards, did some laundry and now it’s my time for play! My choir is holding 2 performances over the weekend so I’m practicing with the headphones on & driving the cat bananas!

  • michele soyer

    So begins Memorial Day Weekend.. The start of the summer season.. Have to see what plans we are going to make.. Nothing on the road though….

  • clojo9372

    Haven’t really begun my day yet… I have to do some cardio and then begin work. It looks like we’re gonna have sunny and hot weather for Memorial Day weekend! 🙂

  • Mai T.

    It’s always fun to have plan for the weekend so I have something to expect. My mom is traveling a long way this weekend so I’m here worrying about her.

  • Paol Trenny

    My day is going okay so far but it will be busy later. I have to travel out of town so I have alot of errands that need to get done before heading out of town.

  • michele soyer

    Today is the feast of Corpus Christi and I really should go to mass today ..the morning is getting away from me I hope I can make it… feeling very positive and grateful for my life…

  • clojo9372

    It’s very HOT this morning. I have a lot of chores to do but I just don’t have the energy to get going. I feel like going back to bed, but I won’t…. Time to face the day! LOL. 🙂

  • Barbara

    My day is finally going awesome. The weather sucks, it’s humid as beck and my cat is whining like crazy but I’m finally getting my new tablet. 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, weather-wise it was a nice day. My niece & nephews had their last full day of school before Summer break (1/2 day tomorrow.) Of course, that means full days of babysitting for me & Mom, lol.

  • Heather E

    It’s a very good day. Today I not only hit the 50% mark for my weight loss goal for the year, but I also went from being classified as obese to being simply overweight. 🙂


    Bit of a bad day today – poor Mum is really beginning to feel the worse for wear. She couldn’t keep any food down and just wants to curl up under the covers. However, tomorrow is her last day of treatment so ‘bring it on’!

  • clojo9372

    Been keeping busy. I put some music on and did some cleaning, my morning went by very fast because I felt good and had a good attitude! 🙂

  • michele soyer

    My dearest friend texted this morning to tell me her vacation plans and she is coming to visit us for a few days.. I am excited and my day will be fabulous…..

  • Mandy Bruenger

    My day went pretty good, went to the local Law Enforcement Memorial, which was a very nice service for our fallen hero’s.

  • Sarah L

    Got up early (early for me anyway) to go to a DBG Hort Therapy program at a nursing home. We passed around some different plants and the they got to make flower arrangements to take back to their rooms. I love doing these programs.


    Another day closer to the end of Mum’s chemo etc. The poor thing’s really feeling pretty rotten and hurts all over and we’re both so tired we can’t remember our own names!

  • michele soyer

    Good morning .. cleaned out the animal pens and had a lovely shower and breakfast.. Relaxing until lunch… no housework today!

  • Mai T.

    My boss arranges vacations today and I’m having 2 weeks off for July. I hope a marvelous road trip is coming for us.

  • Tasha

    Unfortunately my day hasn’t been all that great. Not feeling too well. Spent most of the day in bed. 🙁 Hoping I feel a little better tomorrow!

  • Jen L

    HI! My day has gone well, it is Victoria Day, therefore a Monday off. Accomplished not much, but enjoyed the relaxation 😉

  • Sarah L

    Managed to take a fall at rehearsal last night. Nothing serious but I’m pretty sore today. Quiet morning at home. Good swim class.


    It’s been one hell of a long day and I’m exhausted. We left for the hospital at 8.30 this morning & didn’t get back till 7.15pm. Crazy. But only a couple more days and Mum’s chemo/radiotherapy will be over then we’ll have a couple of weeks to unwind before her surgery.

  • michele soyer

    Already finished all my baking.. Made bread and rolls and then banana nut muffins and an applesauce pecan quickbread.. the freezer is full and now the quiche is in the oven for lunch.. Feel good about how I am moving along today….

  • clojo9372

    I got a bit of stuff to do today. I want to clean my living room from top to bottom and I have a project to work on.. lots of paperwork. I feel like today is gonna be a good day. 🙂

  • Emily Benzing

    Well my day is just getting started! Yesterday was pretty good, yet boring even though I know it’s a sunday! But today should be good – going to start adding to my tumblr

  • clojo9372

    Would you believe we experienced another power outage? What is going on lately??!! Day is good though. It’s Sunday and I am reading and soon our family have Sunday Dinner. 🙂


    Busy getting ready for what will be Mum’s final week of chemo & radiotherapy. She really is beginning to feel the worse for wear now but Mum doesn’t do negativity!

  • michele soyer

    Raining again…but it is a no work Sunday so what is better than reading and having a cup of coffee and relaxing.. Better get busy and make breakfast though…

  • Mai T.

    A not so bright Sunday is here but I do not mind since it’s a day off. I’m excited for the movie we’re going to today and the new food I’ve learnt to make.

  • Sarah L

    Ah, it’s good to be back home from my house sitting. Just chilling out and enjoying it. Off to a concert tonight.


    I had quite a laid-back (well, if truth be told, lazy) day then off to a tiny church up the mountains for a Saturday evening Mass. My choir sang 6 hymns/choral pieces and were given a standing ovation by the attendees. Then we ate chocolates & sang all the way home on the minibus!

  • Heather E

    Planning to go away in a bit, so I rolled the windows down in the car to try and beat the extreme temps getting trapped inside. Didn’t plan on the downpour that happened an hour later! Lol!

  • Helena

    My husband s sister died this sunday, so Imust admit that today and all the folowing days, and past days..I am so sad.
    She wasn t old but had a heart attack, god, what I am sad..

  • clojo9372

    I am a little down today…. I have put on some weight and it’s depressed me. I have to tighten up my diet and take this weight off.

  • michele soyer

    It is pouring rain today so no outside work to do.. The plants will have to wait until tomorrow.. I do love a nice rainy day….


    End of another week of chemo & radiotherapy for Mum. She had her first drive-through McDonald’s today!

  • Aishah Bukhari

    Traveled for 7 hours to get to my aunt’s house. We havent seen each other in months. It’s nice to just meet other family members at her house like this.

  • michele soyer

    Today my husband wants me to help clean out the garage! Oh joy… well I guess it was about time.. The thought sends me into gales of laughter – he makes the mess and I get to clean it.. Have a great day ladies…

  • Mai T.

    The boyfriend is staying overnight at the summer cottage with his friends so I’ll have Friday evening and Saturday morning for myself. I want to try making cookies and cream cake.

  • Tasha

    Having a lazy day today as it’s raining on and off. Can’t complain though. We need it badly to help with the fires in Fort McMurray.

  • Sarah L

    Last night of house sitting. Some people miss sleeping in their own bed but this one is fine. What I miss is my computer and my computer chair.

  • clojo9372

    We had ANOTHER power outage this morning… I mean what is going on with the electric company lately??? It’s very frustrating, but I worked with it. I didn’t have a choice. Now the day is going smoothly. I am craving ice cream today. I think I will have some… 🙂

  • Jessica H.

    My day has been good so far – calm and quiet, which is a relief because the beginning of my week was a bear. It’s also nice that the sun is finally shining after all of the rain we’ve had. Definitely a mood booster! 🙂


    Well, I’m at last able to keep food down! I’ll have to get on the scales to see if any good has come from this tummy bug.

  • Sarah Oswald

    My day was pretty good considering I broke my leg and I am having to stay off it but at least I am being taking care of well by my kids and husband.

  • Mai T.

    I can’t wait for a road trip in July with mom. She’s excited also. Hopefully the application goes well. I hate bureaucracy in my country.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class today with one new person. Since I’m house sitting I forgot to bring my swimsuit. Luckily the pool sometimes has a loaner.

  • clojo9372

    We had another power outage today…. Luckily I got the majority of my work done so it didn’t interfere too badly. Now I am gonna sit down and read my book. 🙂

  • Aishah Bukhari

    Today is “Let’s Watch Wrestling” day. I’ve been rewatching some of my favourite matches and oh God, they still make me feel giddy like my 7 year old self YEARSSSSSSSSSSS ago.

  • michele soyer

    My washer broke down this morning in the middle of a spin.. Well ok clothes out bailed the water out and thank goodness I have a second washer downstairs…Not going to bother fixing this one – too rusted out and a new ones is definately in the cards for me… Still having a great day!

  • Mai T.

    I have a day of thinking about authentic vs fake stuff. Cheap clothes are all over the place, especially online stores from China. However, it’s quality that I’ve learned over the years. So from now on, no more nameless clothing, my skin is too important to be money conscious.

  • Michelle Robbins

    My day could be better because I have to go to a funeral this week of a friend and former assistant. Then I just found out today another coworker lost her husband in a motorcycle accident this morning. I am blessed to have my son who is healthy at home with me tonight.

  • clojo9372

    Today was a good day. I worked out for about 75 minutes before work. Worked on my arms and legs, but it did tire me out a bit. I had Eggplant Parmesan for dinner…. That was delicious! 🙂

  • Aishah Bukhari

    Today is binge watching all of my favourite tv series day. I just want to stop thinking about the job interview I attended yesterday.


    I’m ill and I want everyone to know about it! I don’t know if it was something I ate or a tummy bug but I’ve spent Sunday, Monday & now today either bending over the ‘loo or sitting on it. Not nice.

  • michele soyer

    All went went at the eye doctor yesterday. He said that my left eye has healed beautifully and my right is blind but no pain so we are doing well. Next visit will be a year inAugust from the Sx. Feeling great today..

  • Mai T.

    Another bleak day for me with rain and wind. I have to be at the second workplace early and thus have to leave the first place earlier than normal. Hopefully something fun will happen to cheer me up.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, tomorrow is the primary vote in KY, so no school for my niece & nephews (the schools are voting sites.) That means babysitting, but we’ll survive, lol. Today was nice…until it turned out a huge hive of bees had decided to make their hive on the side of our house! Yep, my brother found someone to come & get them (NEVER kill bees! They’re not doing too well, so we need to keep them alive!)

  • clojo9372

    Went to the doctors…. The visit went well. Had pizza for lunch and a Klondike bar. I know that’s such a nutritious dinner…. LOL! 😉

  • Aishah Bukhari

    Interview day today. I wish that I’ll do well. I have only been to one interview before this one so I am so nervous cz I don’t really know what to expect from this interview.

  • clynsg

    My day is going just fine–a little cool and rainy, but not terrible (as in storms, etc). Do feel a little sorry for my grandson and his schoolmates–today is their Field Day, and I am certain they would have had a lot more fun if it had been nicer weather! Tomorrow is his last day of school for this year, and we are all looking forward to being able to sleep in a little.

  • michele soyer

    Went to the eye doctor early this morning.. I had eye surgery for a detached retina and other complications last August so this is the every 3 month visit.. All is going well and I am grateful…

  • Mai T.

    I need a mini vacation at the moment but money is always in the way of it. Saving for a summer road trip is in place so cannot spare any to waste.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a pretty typical Sunday for May. One nephew had baseball, my niece had a band recital & the youngest nephew didn’t want to go to either one, lol. So, I’ve been babysitting today.

  • Sarah L

    I want my sunshine back. 70 degrees & sunshine on Friday, but it’s 50 and cloudy yesterday, today & tomorrow.

  • Heather Ellis

    A new number on the scale today! The next pound I lose will take me out of the obese bracket and put me in the overweight group. 30 more after that and I’ll be in the optimal range:-)

    • Tamra Phelps

      I just wanted to tell you YAY! I know how hard it is to lose weight…so I think someone ought to tell you GOOD JOB!

  • clojo9372

    I feel a little better today. I got a good night sleep and I have no headache. I am going to take it easy on this Sunday Morning. I plan to catch up on some reading and organize some of my computer files.

  • Kristen

    I’m having a lovely day. Spent the morning at the farmer’s market and now enjoying plums, pluots and apriums! YUM

  • Ann

    (A non-comment comment…)
    I haven’t been able to log-in through the entry form again, both yesterday and today. It’s all right.
    As for my day… It’s all right as well. I drove my dad down to where his work-truck broke down last night, so that he could pick it up. I wish so badly that I could buy him a new (used) vehicle. Just a few $1,000.
    Also, my ex appears to be having a minor meltdown. UGH because I’ve been a psychotherapist / clinical psych, and have been a mandated reporter, and know all of the duty to warn crap… I was about to call 911 and have them do a wellness check on him. But he’s nearing the end of his probation (I know, I know– but don’t judge; none of you know any of the story), and wanted to be careful about throwing more wrenches in the wheel.
    But he’s finally stopped calling me, for today at least. Guy wants to start a family and have kids… My god, I can’t take care of him, a home, a series of relationships, a baby, and myself, all by myself.

  • clojo9372

    Still not feeling very well today. And I have been having quite a bit of headaches. Gonna take it easy for the rest of the day, and watch some tv before i go to bed.

  • Tamra Phelps

    My oldest nephew had a baseball game today, so my youngest nephew & my niece stayed here with me & my Mom. A couple of hours in, my nephew announced his ear hurt. He was convinced he has a bug in his ear, lol. Well, no, but he does have an earache…so I’m guessing it will be off to the doctor’s office with him. It definitely was getting worse by the time his Mom got home.

  • Sarah L

    Today’s word is Sunshine – and we aren’t having any. Cool, cloudy & gloomy. It was 70 yesterday with Sunshine.

  • Aishah Bukhari

    I live in the Southeast Asia where the durian season is a very big thing. It is actually around the corner and there are a few stalls selling the fruit. You see, apart from the foul smell, you’ll also sweat a lot after eating the fruit. It’s been more than a month since we last had rain, today’s weather is 33°C and I regret eating those durians.


    The sun is shining, the sheets are blowing in the breeze, the dinner is prepped and now all I have to do is pop into town for some errands. Then I plan to put my feet up in the garden with a book and do absolutely nothing!

  • michele soyer

    Well here we are at Saturday again.. my husband is going to the feed store and I plan on getting my housework done early so I can read and relax.. All is well today..

  • Mai T.

    It’s the tension at work that makes me want to quit immediately but the money issue stops me from it. Working with Asians is the worst experience ever. Small-minded people should never be let alive.

  • clojo9372

    Not doing the best today… I have a terrible cold it seems. My head hurt for a while but the Advil finally kicked in and it doesn’t hurt anymore. I am gonna lie down in a little while.


    Another week of chemo over and a chance to unwind (although in reality it means trying to do a week of laundry, vacuuming, blah, blah, blah …). Still the weather’s been gorgeous yesterday & again today and more sunshine is promised for the weekend so …

  • Aishah Bukhari

    Today’s sky is grey. Looks like it’s going to rain but I doubt so, it’s just the universe messing with our brain and feelings. It hasn’t been raining for more than a month now and I hope that it’ll rain soon.

  • michele soyer

    Friday the 13th… I really like these power days..
    there really is an energy on these Fridays. My girlfriend is going to a special Reiki healing this morning in fact….

  • Mai T.

    Friday the 13th again today. Bleak weather is all over here. Work is boring and slow. Hopefully it’s sunny tomorrow for a better mood.

  • ginette4

    Having a good day, it’s gorgeous out and I went for a bike ride with my calming and feeling amazing

  • Aishah Bukhari

    I’ve been losing sleep over wrestling these past few days, I just can’t stop youtubing wrestling matches and podcasts.

  • michele soyer

    So today my day is going very well. For 2 days we had no phone a cable problem they said and it was rectified this morning.. Yeah.. cannot live w/o communicating…..

  • Ann

    OMG I won a giveaway! It’s for a one-month of a particular subscription box, like a “treat yourself!” kind of thing. I haven’t yet replied to the email, because I’m still like *blink blink… blink…*

  • Heather E

    Talked to my granny yesterday. She’s 92. 🙂 Told her about the hole in my shoe from walking, she said she’d like to send me some money to buy new ones. And she’d like to cover my books for this last semester of my bachelor’s degree. Super huge blessing, as money is tight. So, it’s a good day. 🙂


    Oh ye Gods, I am tired! All Mum & I seem to do these days is drive to hospital, sit in waiting rooms, she has her cancer treatment then we drive home. I went for a nap yesterday at 6pm & woke at 9.15pm then slept again from 11pm till 9 this morning. Heading off to hospital again in an hour …

    • Tamra Phelps

      I don’t know about you, but just sitting in hospitals seems so exhausting to me! Maybe it’s emotionally exhausting? Anyway, I hope your Mom is coping with her chemo well. My sister-in-law’s Dad is going through it right now, too, so I see how it can wear them down.

  • Mai T.

    There are days I regret many things undone during childhood: learn to dance, learn to martial art, learn many languages. Now in the busy cycle of work, I genuinely do not have time.

  • Ann

    Ok. I’m tired; did several errands, not used to doing that. I had to go to Target and return some things, and while I was there I was able to stop at Starbucks. I “paid” (the $ was already on my Starbucks app) maybe $1.30 for a venti frappuccino made with soymilk and some added flavor….. I’m very much aware that going to any cafe is no big deal for many people, but this was extra extra special for me. I hadn’t been to a Starbucks in almost two years, and hadn’t been to any cafe (for coffee/latte/etc.) in almost a year. I’d never had a frappuccino before, either.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a pretty nice day here. The sun is out & it’s nice and warm. Of course, storms are headed our way, but that’s just May in Kentucky, lol.

  • Angela Saver

    My day is going great today! It is a beautiful day, but it is hot outside, so turned the A/C on for the first time this spring!

  • Aishah Bukhari

    Got a call for an interview for this job that I applied months ago. Kinda excited and nervous at the same time.

  • Dawn Monzu

    My day is going pretty good! I haven’t been entering giveaways for a long time, so I am back at it! So here is crossing my fingers! haha God bless and good luck everyone!

  • Mai T.

    The fact that people ignore one’s competency is incredibly upsetting. After years of experience, nobody seems to value your skill. That’s what make one want to commit suicide.

    • Heather E

      The fact that YOU are aware of your competence matters. I’m so sorry others can’t see it, but if they can’t then they are the ones with a problem, and that doesn’t make YOUR life not worth living. You matter, and I hope you are feeling better this morning. If not, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE find a church and talk to a pastor. I know when I felt this way I couldn’t talk to my own pastor because I felt ashamed and embarrassed to be feeling/thinking that way, so I walked into a random church and talked to someone there. Even if religion is not your thing, they are usually pretty good listeners and able to help you work through things…

  • Tamra Phelps

    well, it’s been a really bad weather day. It’s one of those day where it storms off & on, there are tornadoes touching down around the state, & hail has been falling in some places. In other words, you’re never at ease. Right now, it’s 10:30 p.m. & I’m listening to thunder roll & watching lightning flash…here it comes again, I guess.

  • Ann

    Whoa, I was able to log-in today! Yay! 🙂
    I got the new Beyonce album in the mail today… I ordered it a couple days ago, after about 93% of my digital music collection mysteriously disappeared. (And that was A LOT of music.) I was/am devastated… But this is the sort of thing that happens, often. I’m.. kind of getting used to it.


    Another day, another long drive to take Mum for chemo & radiotherapy, grab a sandwich, throw some veggies & Tofu in the oven, then off to choir for 2 hours & home. Now I’m too tired to eat!

  • Natalie

    It has been raining all day today so not may of my patients are showing up at work. I am a little tired today but I am looking forward to the weekend.

  • robyn donnelly

    The day is starting off raining and I need to walk through some mud with a cart for food but hey it’s spring.

  • michele soyer

    Looked at myself in the mirror this morning and said DYE THOSE ROOTS….. So my hair is now back to a great color and I feel better about myself…

  • Mai T.

    Days like this make me want to leave everything behind and just go to a place where everyone’s a stranger. People we think we’ve known for a long time turn out to be an ass.

  • amy pugmire

    Honestly it wasn’t a great day! Its’ been a rough year and today was a tough one. I pretty much raise my 3 littles on my own and don’t get much help from there dad and I received some bad news today. But hey tomorrow will be better!

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class then off to JCP to spend the $100 GC that I won. Got a wicked cool blouse for wearing to our concerts.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, the day is pretty much over & it’s been just an ordinary day. In my book, that makes it a good one–I can live without drama.

  • Edmond

    Great Scout , Marty. Day is going well. Read a book in library. Free.. Wow, prize $50 gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. 🙂 Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs the gc to shop and eat. A life changing exp.

  • ginette4

    Day is going well..sun is shining and daughter stopped over for another short visit before heading home..I miss her so much!


    We were up at the crack of dawn to start another week of chemo & radiation. Mum’s appointment was for 10am but it was almost 2pm when she finally got seen. The treatment’s tiring enough without that extra hassle.

  • Aishah Bukhari

    I’ve been spending my day in my bed because of severe cramps. It’s that time of the month. Wish tomorrow would get better.

  • clojo9372

    Well the weekend is over it’s time to work. I finished my Plyometrics, which nearly killed me, but now I am ready to start my day! 🙂

  • michele soyer

    I had a wonderful Mothers Day weekend…. My only sadness is the fact that my son has passed away and he always made my day extra special.. I miss him so much… My daughter was so good to me and tried to help me get past the loss…

  • Heather E

    A new day, a new week. 🙂 Birds are singing, weather is gorgeous. It’s going to be a good day. 🙂

  • Helena

    Today was a wonderful day
    Even if I miss my sons so badly who are living far away from me, I heard happy news about them , so they made my day!
    Thanks for the opportunity!
    And good luck to everyone!

  • Donnas

    Considering that it’s now just shortly after 7:00 AM, and I’ve been at work for over 45 minutes, and I have a one hour commute to work, that means I was awake at 4:30. A ridiculous time to set an alarm for, but that’s the way it is for me. But on the flip side, I can usually leave work at about 2:30 (not this week though, a colleague is on vacation), and I’m usually home by about 4:00 (the drive home is longer, takes about 1 1/2 hours). And it’s Monday, and I had my usual not so good Sunday night sleep. But hey, at least I woke up. And it’s really sunny here. How’s your day?

  • Mai T.

    I sometimes wonder how a co-worker always wears a branded shoulder bag when she only works as a restaurant waitress. People do have different concept of fashion and saving.

  • Teresa Moore

    It has been a great Mother’s Day for me. My daughter and I went to church and then we went swimming. We just had a great dinner and going in a few minutes to see my mom.

  • Sandy Weinstein

    my day could be lots better. my oldest dog who has dementia ran off into the woods, took me over 4 hrs to find her, she had roamed over 500 ft and fell in a hole. i had to rush her back and give her a bath. i feel like such a bad mom of all days today. while i was looking for her, i was asking God to please dont let anything happen to my baby. i was crying and running all over my property, i have 11 acres. i was in a panic.

  • Mai T.

    I was at a dance show today to see a friend’s performances. She was really bad at it but we appreciated her effort.

  • clojo9372

    Today is Mother’s Day and I am gonna spend it with my awesome and super cool Mom! 🙂 I wish a Happy Happy Mother’s Day to you and all your readers who are moms as well! <3

  • michele soyer

    Happy Mothers Day to one and all….I hope that all of you moms out there have a wonderful joyous day!


    Well, a very quiet Sunday so far & I’m hoping it stays that way! Another very early start tomorrow morning to get Mum to chemo & radiotherapy … and so the story goes on …

  • Sarah L

    Good time cashiering at the plant sale. Not so good for the people at the sale who were subjected to rain, hail, thunder & lightning.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m really not doing much today. It keeps going between rain & sunshine outside so I’m wondering if the KY Derby will be wet or dry today, lol.


    It’s late on Saturday the 7th and so far today I’ve cleaned the house, done a ton & a half of laundry (but I refuse to do ironing), gone to the pharmacy, driven an hour to get my haircut (oh, the joys of living in the middle of nowhere!), unblocked a toilet, put fresh flowers on Dad’s grave and made one of my super-duper homemade pizzas! This post is the last thing I do before curling up with pizza, kitten-cat & book!

  • michele soyer

    Well my Mothers Day weekend has begun. My husband and daughter are treating me to a wok free weekend..No work just play.. reading listening to music and relaxing!

  • clojo9372

    We had a power outtage last night and that messed up my sleep. I just had my morning coffee, I feel great now. I am gonna go work out and then hang with my Mom. We’re having a BBQ. 🙂

  • Tasha

    My day was fairly good. Thanks for asking! 🙂 I over did things this evening though. Got into cleaning mode. Did way too much. Now that I’m relaxing. The aches and pains are setting in. My body feels like someone beat me up! LOL!


    Well, we’re half way through the chemo & radiotherapy, the sun is shining, the wine is cooling and we stopped off for lunch on the way home so no cooking tonight! Things are going great so far!

  • michele soyer

    Friday again and it is Mothers Day weekend.. Have to bake bread and chocolate e chip cookies today and get ready for the festivities…….

  • clojo9372

    I just woke up and I am having my coffee. I am gonna watch a show on my computer while I drink before I begin my day. That’s my usual pattern before I begin working, LOL. 🙂

  • Mai T.

    I biked a 15km route with 2 friends yesterday to have a picnic and it was fun. Ice-creams and cakes are always a good idea.

  • Stephanie Phelps

    My day is going well! I won a new faucet first thing this morning! I helped my husband on repainting our kitchen cabinets! I also played with my doggies and had so much fun with them!

  • Sarah L

    Getting a few things done before I head over to the gardens to be a cashier for the Plant Sale Preview Party.

  • clojo9372

    I did Pilates and Yoga, and then I worked in my office. Now I am hungry and will have some lunch. It was a productive day.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What a weird day! I got up late, anything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Oh, just to get weirder, every time I click to a different page on PB & Whine…it starts at the bottom of the page. How bizarre is that, lol?

  • Cathy French

    Today I’m working on day 3 of a terrible headache but today I vow to persevere because things need to get done


    And talking of dentists: I finally managed to find a date that suits everyone but it’s not until the week after next so I’ll be chewing painkillers till then. Otherwise today wasn’t bad at all!

  • Suzanne K

    It’s cool, overcast and misty here today. I love it! Perfect weather for my skin, to get out and walk and to lower fire danger.

  • Holly C.

    my day just started so far all is good! The weather has been beautiful and I have out for some great spring hikes!

  • Christina Sparks

    Getting ready to have my second cup of coffee, this morning, power went out for a second, thunderstorms on the way.

  • michele soyer

    Believe it or not we didnt go and visit my husbands mother yesterday..At the last minute the electrician that we have been trying to schedule called and said that he could come immediately….so much for visiting……

  • Mai T.

    Today’s a national holiday so I’m off from office work and start an early workday at the restaurant. Hopefully, people stay at home to relax and not block to eat.

  • Sarah L

    Got up early & went to the Gardens for the Alzheimer’s group tour. I do enjoy working with them. Then a massage & then swim class.

  • Ann

    (Another “unofficial comment.”) Just as yesterday, today I’m not able to log-in to the Entry Form no matter what or how I try. I haven’t had this problem with any other entry forms, even the $250 Visa one on this blog.
    Aside from that, today is… more of yesterday? I didn’t go to bed last night. Feeling a bit out of it, but I’m kind of used to that feeling since staying up all night isn’t all that unusual for me these days.

  • ginette4

    Having a good day, went for a bike ride and got my hair cut.oh and the sun is shining and it’s warm out today


    I got home after another 5 hour round trip to take Mum for radiotherapy and the 1st email I opened was to announce that I’d just won 100 Euro (about $120)!! Yay me!

  • clojo9372

    Today’s a productive day. We have a workman here working on some wiring in our house. I am still feeling a bit down today, but I am trying to snap out of it. Gonna do some PiYo and see if that helps. 🙂

    • Ann

      PiYo… Is that the same as Yogalates?
      (I’ve never really read many of the comments here… It’s pretty interesting! So many people seem so nice; just regular people like me. I love how Connie asks us how our day is going– it makes these giveaways seem more “human!” 🙂 )

  • michele soyer

    Trying to get things organized and done early this morning.. Going to my mother-in-laws for a visit..

  • Mai T.

    A busy day at work today with phone calls and figures. However, tomorrow will be relaxing since it’s a national vacation day.

  • Ann

    (Not an “official” comment.) Just a heads-up, maybe? I haven’t been able to log-in to the entry form all day; I’ve tried multiple times. I hope that it starts working tomorrow. 🙁
    Oh… And my day was pretty lousy… really pretty lousy.

  • Kristen

    I’m having such a nice afternoon, visiting a small town where everyone seems to know each other and they’re so friendly 🙂

  • michele soyer

    All is well at home today… Some times you have to clear the air.. Visiting my husbands mother tomorrow.. Lets see how that goes…LOL

  • Ann

    (This is not an “official” comment for the entry form.)
    I’ve been trying to log-in to the entry form starting maybe 12 (?) hours ago, but with no luck. This is the type of form that tends to give me trouble– Is it GiveawayTools? I’ve tried every little trick I know (and I really don’t know many), but I haven’t been able to log in today. I’ll keep trying; fingers crossed.
    Hope you all are having a lovely day.

  • clojo9372

    I am so tired today. I don’t know why. I slept all night, but I feel like I could have slept a lot more. I am going to take it easy for the rest of the day.


    I’m just back after 5 hours of driving on top of another 5 hours of hanging around while Mum got her chemo topped up & had her radiotherapy plus bloods etc. I’ve just got time to grab a sandwich, hopefully a nap and then off to choir for 2 hours. What I’d like to do is just soak in a bubble bath!

  • Heather Ellis

    Got my 3 mile walk in this morning, and have decided to do a 2 fast to see if I can bust through this plateau. Wish me luck!

  • Mai T.

    It’s been sunny and warm so jogging is back to the exercise schedule. I aim for 5km run but have not been able to. After 4km, I’m already dead.

  • Anon.

    It’s going decently! Sleeping Beauty over here (I suppose that would be me?) finally woke up! I go through these mysterious spells wherein I sleep ’round the clock for about three+ days and nights. There’s no apparent explanation for it, and it just makes me feel incredibly… lazy and awful. But yayyy, I’m awake now!

  • Kristen

    My day’s going pretty well…..despite some frustrations and negativity being tossed my way by others, I’m still smiling! 😀

  • clojo9372

    We had another power outage this morning. Grrrr! I hate them, knocked me off my balance for the rest of the morning. It wasn’t too long thank goodness.

  • michele soyer

    Today is not my best day..Have you ever fought with your husband and not really understood how you got into the fight? Well thats my story this morning.. It will blow over but what a way to start the day…

  • Mai T.

    It was a great Labor’s Day celebration in town with old cars exhibition. I got my first outdoor ice-cream of this year, the weather was excellent while we were on a drive.

  • Deb P

    It’s a rainy day in New England , but the flowers are blooming, so I’m happy. I hope to work out side when it stops raining . 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Wonderful concert last night with Chris Williamson. Quiet day today. Off to chorus rehearsal soon.
    Thanks for the contest.

  • clojo9372

    We had a power outtage today, there was a lot of wind and rain. But everything is ok now! I am gonna have a hot cup of coffee and watch some tv! 🙂

  • Michele Behlen

    It is cold, windy and rainy but I am still having a good day. We are using the time to catch up on some long over due DIY.

  • cynthia Hilliard

    Its actually going pretty good becauae i read my bible today. The wearherman said rain,and so farr its there ya go !!!!


    It’s lunchtime here in Ireland & I’ve already cleaned the house, done a ton & a half of laundry, set out clothes for Mum & myself for everyday of next week and paid some bills online. Just about to start prepping veggies for today’s dinner and cooking some meals for freezing for during the week. Phew! Just as well tomorrow’s a holiday here!

  • Stephanie Mitchell

    I’ve been up since about 230 am, so my day isn’t going all that great right now. My 4 year old will be up soon, and then the day will get better. I can’t wait to get my morning hugs & kiss.

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