Medical Spending Accounts

As always the last few days of the year are always crazy busy at work. So here is my Public Service Announcement…. don’t forget you have to spend all the money in your Medical Spending Accounts by the first of January!! (Unless you really want to donate the money to Uncle Sam you better make some calls!!) You probably can’t get in for a full set of braces tomorrow….. but!!! …. a new pair of reading glasses or sunglasses is a GREAT idea. HEY!! I know a place! (I am ALL about the subtle!!) Anyway we were hoppin’ at work today. I’m sure that tomorrow will be just as busy. I’m exhausted!!! Busy is good, I don’t think about food. Course all that went right down the drain when I got home! One huge slice of left over quiche and 2 pieces of biscotti. But before I see if there is any chocolate in the freezer I’m headed off to bed. See ya tomorrow!

Okay tomorrow December 31, 2009 last day to vote. (HEY!! Was that a sigh of relief I just heard??!)

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