Mouse in a House Orkin Fleece Blanket Giveaway!!
Hello Fall!!! Cool weather!! Big sweaters, boots, cuddled under blankets!! Ahhhhh FALL!!! Of course, cooler weather has a couple of draw backs too. Whether or not you know it, your warm house is an open invitation to unwanted guests looking for a cozy winter vacation: rodents. Hello mouse in the house!! Each fall, rodents migrate from their outdoor “summer home” to the warmth, food and shelter of their “winter timeshare” – your house!
Being human has its perks, like having a cozy house to enjoy during the winter, but imagine having to survive as a mouse? Try your luck by playing “Mouse in a House” – a choose-your-own-adventure game that puts you in the shoes of a rodent looking to survive the upcoming harsh winter season – try your best to stay alive and see how long you last!
Orkin uses the latest technology and unparalleled training to develop an effective treatment that’s right for your home. To learn more about pest control grounded in science or to schedule an inspection, visit or call 1-800-800-ORKIN®.
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Win an Orkin #MouseInAHouse Cozy Fleece Winter Blanket!! Good Luck!
Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.

Maryann D.
I did the game. It took me a while but I did survive the winter.
Maryann D.
Many years back, a stray sweet cat brought us a gift of a mouse or rat and left it on our patio. We didn’t want the gift, but we did end up keeping the adorable cat!
It wasn’t a holiday but I had a group of church friends over one day. While we were all sitting talking, I saw a mouse run across my floor. I hoped that no one would see it, as it was embarrassing (for some reason?! I certainly did not invite the mouse in). No one seemed to notice. But then the mouse ran back across the floor, paused, looked me in the eye and then took off running. By then everyone had noticed. I was mortified. Right about the time I was about to cry, one of the church ladies jumped up, grabbed one of my children’s plastic bats, and she hit the mouse with it. She walked over picked it up and took it to the trash. I was shocked. They all giggled, and said “don’t fret, we all grew up on farms”. It was so funny.
Mary Diehl
One Christmas evening after everyone went home, my great niece age 8 and my great nephew age 4 were staying overnight. We all seen the mouse at the same time because it ran over my foot (gross and yucky) The kids started screaming and jumped up on the bench and then the table. I was laughing because by now I’m used to them. I told the kids watch what I do, I got a trap and set it by the closet where it ran and I told them I’d have him by morning, it took about and hour. then the 4 year old was crying and wanting to keep it for a pet. He thought it was cute.
Mary Diehl
I would survive the winter as a mouse, I know how they think. LOL
Ann Fantom
I played the game and I survived the winter
Natalie Nichols
your rodent family lasted the whole winter.
Natalie Nichols
When I was 13 my hamster got out and ate through my school uniforms. Luckily we found him, but he tore through my carpet through.
Nancy Loring
You made it Nancy Loring. My rodent family will survive this winter.
Nancy Loring
I have 3 cats so I do not have a probelm with mice sneaking into my house. My problem is that my cats like to catch mice outside and bring them into the house. Sometimes they’re dead and sometimes they’re not. I prefer the dead ones. They are easier to get away from the cats.
Katt Lewis
A few months ago, before I had my new flooring installed I had chewed a stick of gum and left the pack on the coffee table. The next day I could not find it anywhere I looked in all m drawers. A month later, when we were installing the flooring, we found the pack, slightly chewed, under the stove in the kitchen. I had no idea I had a rat or mouse in the house. Never lost a thing afterwards.
Becky VanGinkel
In the game I got the results:
YOU MADE IT Becky VanGinkel!
your rodent family lasted the whole winter.
You may make a great mouse, but remember:
you’re a human. If you see a mouse in YOUR house,
call The Orkin Man right away.
rochelle haynes
I my new rented house we had one so we got a cat
We don’t have any rodent issues at our home. We use one of those devices that plugs into the wall and emits a low frequency sound to scare them away. It seems to work, but maybe we wouldn’t have them anyway.
margaret franksduncan
I had a mouse jump out of the cuberd over my head and scared the you know what out of me,lol
Becky VanGinkel
We live in Northern Wisconsin and field mice will try to make their way into your house every Fall… well I do my best to prevent this because my husband works out of state and is only home on weekends, and I’m TERRIFIED of mice. Sooo, we always have traps set beneath the house and we always keep one trap set behind the fridge where I can’t see it. After living in this house for 5 years, we never had a mouse until last year.. of course my husband was gone to work and I heard the thing go off at like 3 in the morning.. I jumped up on my couch and was looking around and it came RUNNING out from under our fridge still in the trap and ran into a pair of my jeans laying on the floor next to the hamper.. i got the broom to smack it as I was screaming and jumping on the entryway bench and I missed.. i opened our door and shoved my jeans and everything outside with the tip of the broom. By the time it was over, my 3 kids were awake and screaming too and they didn’t even know what had happened! lol I threw the jeans in the garbage and prayed that it would never happen again. UGHHHHHH gross! lol
Connie Gruning
Becky, this made laugh so hard!!! I can just picture you screaming and smacking a pair of jeans. LOL!!!!!! Thank you for sharing that one!!
Becky VanGinkel
While I was writing it, i was laughing while remembering! ahahaha It was scary at the time, but funny now 🙂
Yes. I was in my first apartment and it was crappy. I was sitting there one night with my ex-husband and I was pretty plastered buttttttttt I thought I saw a mouse walking under the door to the utility closet in my kitchen. Oddly enough I had two cats (with claws) and they wouldn’t catch it. Anyway like I said I wanted to ignore it and act like maybe I was just seeing things since I was pretty drunk and he said, “Did I just see A MOUSE?” and I was all, ‘Yeah pretty sure I saw it too, I thought I was just seeing things’. Ugh!
Connie Gruning
ROFLMAO!!!!!!! Shannon!! I’m can’t stop laughing!! If the cats didn’t see it…… Ummmmm that might not have been a mouse…