Neck Vitalizer GIVEAWAY!! 3 Winners!

I’m excited to work with Tonya over at Tyrneathem again to co-host a giveaway for THREE Neck Vitalizers!! You can read the entire review here, but, here is a little of what the Neck Vitalizer can help you with.

Win One of Three Neck Vitalizer'sNot only will it help neck problems, but if you have TOS Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Anterior Head Translation or Corporate Syndrome, the Neck Vitalizer will help you!!!

Neck Vitalizer TM
Do you often have neck pain and/or shoulder pain?
Do you often work at a desk or in front of a computer?
Do you have Forward Head Posture, also known as , Anterior Head Translation, or Corporate Syndrome?
Do you have TOS – Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?
If so, the relief for your pain and budget is right here – easy, effective, economical and fast.
– Neck Vitalizer™ offers 4 main advantages:
– Neck Vitalizer™ not only corrects Forward Head Posture, but also relieves Closed Chest Syndrome,
– Neck Vitalizer™ allows you full and continuous control and adjustment of therapy intensity
– Neck Vitalizer™ allows you to receive neck and chest therapy anywhere you need it, at home or on the road
– Neck Vitalizer™ saves money and storage space
And Tonya and I get to giveaway 3!!!
This giveaway ends December 31, 2013 and is open in the USA and Canada
Good Luck!!!


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