Shmoozees Give AWAY!!

Shmoozees 1 I couldn’t be more excited about this post if I tried!!! One of my all time favorite companies Jay @ Play are releasing a brand new plush item called Shmoozee!  

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Shmoozees are a brand new line of delightful plush items which have glowing ears and eyes.  The ears are perfect for storing several pairs of earrings, making your Shmoozee as fashionable as you! 

The Shmoozees have holes in the ears and come with four earrings to add to Shmoozees ears. You can add your own earrings too.

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Shmoozees 3The earrings that are included have a little ball on the end so they stay in the ears. The can be moved around easily. Emma is 4 and had no problems.

The eyes, ears and teeth glow in the dark. These two were so excited to run back and forth between the closet and the yard to check out the glowing Shmoozees.

I’m not done!! There are games for the kids at, like a name generator for your Shmoozee and a link to  dress up your Shmoozee. It’s a fun site that the kids will love.  (BTW my Shmoozees name is Brody Pumpkin Boom. Quite a distinguished name huh?)
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Shmoozees 7That’s not the only reason I am super excited? Because Shmoozees will be running a video contest this May!!  I get to help JUDGE!!!  I am so excited I get to help choose the funniest, best video!!  I would LOVE it if one of my followers was in the mix!!! Find details to enter your video here: Shmoozee Facebook

Even Eli thought the Shmoozee was fun!! 

Alice couldn’t hug her Shmoozee tighter if she tried!! 

The Shmoozees a fun ball of fur. Soft and squishy. The ears are a soft very flexable plastic. The faces are stitched on. The only loose parts are the earrings that come in a seperate package so if you are worried about small pieces you can hide them.  

I’m still not done!! I get to give away 2 Shmoozees!! Thank you Jay@Play!!
Good Luck!!

Don’t forget to get your video in!!! Start here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure I am a Jay@Play Squad Ambassador. This post is part of a sponsored campaign. I received compensation for my participation. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way.

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