Sophie’s Animal Parade Book Review
I have an adorable children’s book to share with you! Sky Pony Press written by Amy Dixon and illustrated by Katia Wish. This is an absolutely precious book centered around a little girl named Sophie (hello Captain Obvious!) This young lady has a great imagination, she’s full of creativity! Sophie loves to draw the quirk is everything she draws comes to life.
The illustrations are absolutely perfect! The story is sweet. While Sophia is playing in her room she draws her self a snack when she’s hungry, when she’s cold she draws something snugly and when she needs a friend she starts drawing herself some animal friends. The catch is that whatever Sophie draws magically appears in her room. Soon she has a room full of animals, a very crowded room. Between the animals and the items she draws for them her room becomes very crowded and she marches them outside where she meets young Luke. He’s a great lion tamer!
Such a great story about imagination, friendship and FUN!!!
This is truly a lovely book!! It really has encouraged Alice to draw HER animals!!
I am giddy that this book has large print and lots of great beginner words, Alice can help me read her the book.
Sophie’s Animal Parade is a perfect story to read to young kids and it makes a perfect beginner reading book.
Mama calls it Sophie’s imagination, but Sophie calls it magic. Everything Sophie draws comes to life, and one day when Sophie feels lonely, she decides to draw a friend. But the polar bear cub isn’t very happy in Sophie’s room, where it is much too warm. So Sophie tries again. But the duck wants to swim in a pool full of water. And the giraffe is too tall for the tiny room! It isn’t long after the elephant shows up that things begin to get a little too wild and Sophie must demand that everyone go outside. In the backyard, with all her new friends, Sophie meets someone new—someone who happens to be an expert lion trainer. It looks like Sophie’s magic may have worked after all.
Featuring a charming crew of animals and two children who believe in magic, this sweet and funny picture book teaches children to combat loneliness with creativity, persistence, and a little imagination. Filled with the lovely watercolor illustrations of Katia Wish, Amy Dixon’s Sophie’s Animal Parade takes children on a journey toward friendship.
Not a single one! Adorable book from cover to cover!! from Sky Pony Press!!
Publisher: Sky Pony Press
Format: Dust-jacketed hardcover sized 9 x 9 inches. 32 pages, full color. ISBN 1632204037
Publication date: May 5, 2015.
Target age range: 3 – 5 years old

Carol S.
Sounds like a wonderful story book! My 4 year old grandson would love it. I think it is so important to keep the interest in children to read an actual book. Of course being a former librarian make me very partial to books!!
Sarah L
Very fun book. Glad it makes Alice want to draw.
Tamra Phelps
It makes me wish I had a niece still in that age range! My niece would have loved this book when she was younger! (She’s 11 now & still loves books!)