Support The Arts!

If you’ve ever read Harriet Stephens’ profile, then you’ve probably been inspired by her philanthropic efforts to help out the arts and charities related to artistic pursuits. Helping to support the arts is one of the best things that you can do, both as a businessperson and as a citizen of your community. However, those who are new to contributing to the arts might not know how to get started. If you want to be a wonderful philanthropist and help young artists thrive, then follow these tips on how you can contribute to the arts.

Give Financial Contributions

The most obvious way to help any charity is by giving a monetary contribution. Not everyone can afford to donate as much as some of the most famous philanthropists. However, every little bit helps. Perhaps consider signing up to give a small donation each month on an ongoing basis. It won’t feel like a lot of money in the short term, but over time, you’ll really make a huge difference for a worthwhile artistic charity.

Volunteer Your Time And Efforts

Your time and effort is just as valuable as a cash gift. If you don’t really have the money to contribute, then consider actually volunteering. Many artistic programs that help kids could really use the support of motivated and dedicated volunteers. Volunteering your time will also help you to get to know the members of your community and connect with young people on a personal basis. In-person volunteering is an extremely worthwhile endeavor that will not only help your community, but help you to feel better about yourself.

Be Politically Active

One of the biggest threats to our young people’s artistic educations is budget cuts that threaten to eliminate arts programs in school. If you’re an influential member of your community, consider becoming politically active in the fight to keep the arts in school programs. Actions might include making phone calls on behalf of the cause or just working to spread awareness about the threat to arts programs. All it takes is the work of a few people to keep these important programs from being cut in our schools.

Attend Plays And Artistic Events

For a lot of theaters and art galleries, a lack of turnout for shows and events is a big problem. Sometimes, the best way to support the arts is to just show up. By attending local artistic events in your community, you’re supporting the arts as a patron and ensuring that grassroots arts groups continue to thrive.

While the arts might not be a life or death issue, they are incredibly important to our society. The arts help to inspire young people and give their creative voices a platform. As a philanthropist, supporting the arts is an amazing way to make a difference. No matter how you choose to help, you’ll be making a great and positive change for so many youths in your community, in addition to ensuring that your local arts scene continues to thrive.



    I agree completely! Especially with #3. Being active and getting other to get out there and do the same is so important to our community. The arts certainly helped me get through my school days and is helping my child do the same.

  • Cynthia R

    We attend a lot of plays and music concerts in our area. You get to support the arts and be entertained, what can be better than that?

  • Jennifer Boehme

    I do care about the arts. My nephew can draw so great that I want to see him do better and achieve all he can. These people need to know we care about what they can do.

  • Laura

    I loved my art classes back when I was younger. I had won numerous art competitions. Sadly, I’ve gotten away from it and haven’t done any art in quite a while.

  • Kelly

    I think that “the arts” did a big disservice to themselves by coming across as somthing for the rich and polished. I went to my first large-scale musical when I was 25. I was so nervous. I felt like I stood out like a sore thumb. The woman sitting next to me was dressed in a gorgeous evening gown with a fur coat. I am blessed, now, to live in a small town with an active arts and music community program. They do a dinner theater every year, and also do a dessert version that is less expensive so everyone can attend. It is amazing.

  • Sarah L

    I do all of the above. Give $$ on Dec. 8th for Colorado Gives day, will be attending several concerts this month and I’m a big volunteer for several places.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Yep, I agree. So many schools have made budget cuts & the first thing to go is the music or art classes. And no way will you find a drama program at most schools now. A great way to give would be to donate time or funds to local schools to set up arts programs.


    I completely agree with Sandy & Judy (above). It’s so sad that children and young people are no longer introduced to music and the arts at school. Working with young people & adults, I often use music, dance, art etc. as teaching aids. The more senses that are engaged the simpler it is to remember and learn and what’s more, they make learning fun!

  • Sandy Klocinski

    The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us—fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. The arts help us express our values, build bridges between cultures, and bring us together regardless of ethnicity, religion, or age. When times are tough, art is salve for the ache.

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