Playbees100 Piece Magnetic Building Blocks Review
As excited as I am with the Magnetic Building Blocks, Alice is head-over-heels THRILLED with this set!! This is the Playbees Magnetic Building Block set. The set arrives well packaged, double boxed so that everything fits nice and snug. However, there is a bright yellow carry-bag so that all the pieces can be stashed away when you are done playing. The pieces are brightly colored and magnets are inside the hard plastic on all sides. That means not only do the pieces attach easily in any formation but they stay attached. I’m also thrilled because the kids can’t pick out the magnets! Seriously, what is it with kids and taking…
Pin Impressions Review + Giveaway
I have been obsessed with these Pin Art – Pin Impression Toys since I first saw one in Spenser’s Gifts. I have truly always wanted one; so when I was approved to write a review for Pin Impressions I was giddy. Yes, yes I am a geek. I just can’t help it!! To have a great nostalgic item like this made me happy. Pin Impressions box is the perfect size for adults to play with and for kids too! The thick plexiglass screwed on top of 1.4 pounds of Stainless Steel Pins. The entire box is 7″ x 5″ x 1.75″. Pin Impressions is very well made, sturdy and heavy for…
Lay-n-Go Toy Storage, CarryALL! Review
FINALLY!!! A product that seriously makes traveling EASIER!!! Check it OUT!!! This is the Lay-n-Go toy storage bag!! An activity mat, STORAGE carryall for toys and treasures!! Check this OUT!! The Lay-n-Go Lite is 18″ wide with draw string closer and a Velcro pocket to stick the cord into when the Lay-n-Go is closed. Lay-n-Go is a brilliant design!!! Alice always wants to bring ARMS full of toys when we go ANYWHERE!! As a result we have left toys in the car, YaYa’s house, NaNa’s house, restaurants, parks and beaches. NOW? Now we load up the Lay-N-Go with the toys we are taking, I throw it in my purse and…
Custom View Master!!
I truly love my job! I have the honor of reviewing fantastic products and services all the time. Sometimes I get to review true TREASURES!!! THIS is one of them!! I am so excited about my new Image3D View-Master!! This is EXACTLY what the old View-Master looked and felt like. The same reel that I played with as a kid! I handed my daughter the Image3D View-Master, the first thing she said “Where did you find this?? Is this the one we had growing up?? I LOVE THIS THING”……….. pause………… “WAIT!! I KNOW THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!” Greatest reaction EVER!! I created my VERY OWN View-Master reel!! AND IN 3D!!!! OHHHH MY…