• Security camera

    ZMODO Sight 180 Security Camera Review

    Since I began reviewing products ZMODO has always been one of my favorite companies. The customer service is amazing. The products are easy to use and continually provide us with the peace of mind for our home security. This camera is sleek looking. It reminds me of a little happy robot. So, much so I think he should have a name, I’m thinking Steve. Seriously, how cute is Steve?! Last year at CES 2017 I was in awe of the new and exciting products that ZMODO has in store. Absolutely everything you could as for in a Smart Home. From curtains that open with the sun, to cameras you can…

  • Zmodo camera

    Zmodo #2017CES Review and GIVEAWAY!!

    I could easily write a months worth of posts about my trip to the CES convention in Las Vegas as a guest of Zmodo and not tell you everything I saw. I’m still in awe at the sheer magnitude of this show. Take it from me, if offered GO! GO! GO!! Unless of course you hate crowds then run, run, run the other way because there are more people in one spot than I’ve ever seen before!! With 2.6 million square feet of consumer products spanning several different hotels AND the Las Vegas Convention Center. It’s a LOT of show to see. Even in the Zmodo booth (which was huge!) had…

  • Zmodo Booth at ces

    Zmodo and #2017CES What’s New?!

    In case you’ve missed my tweets, Instagram photos and blog post let me catch you up! On January 5th 2017, I was invited by Zmodo to speak at CES (Computer Electronic Show) the show that was held from January 5th thru the 8th.   What an honor that was. What an experience!! Not only being able to represent a company that I admire but to learn about products that are on the horizon for Zmodo. Zmodo introduces a new lineup of robust and stylish smart home products and a redesigned and improved platform to become your one stop shop for smart home solutions. The show started out with the energetic…