The Growing Sweater by Jason J. Marchi

I want to start right off with a disclaimer. This review does contain spoilers.  Apparently I can’t trust five-year-old Alice to “tell everyone about the book but DON’T tell them about the ending.” She just went right ahead and blabbed the whole book!!

The Growing Sweater is written by Jason J. Marchi and Illustrated by Ben Ouesnel. A super cute story that came at a time that allowed Alice to really ‘GET IT’ mostly because The Daddy just washed her favorite red sweater and it shrunk. Like doll size shrunk. So trust me when I say this adorable book came at the perfect time and made Alice LAUGH out loud!!

Granny Quigley knits her granddaughter Ashley (Also Alice’s best friend’s name…. is this book perfect for us or WHAT?!) a beautiful purple sweater with a white lace collar. A sweater that Ashley wears everywhere! She loves this sweater!! Then comes the time when the sweater needs washing. Instead of cleaning the sweater or shrinking the sweater it actually GROWS!! As much as she loves the sweater, it no longer fits and she hands the sweater UP (I’m a funny girl. Not hand me down… but hand me up?) to her older sister Morgan. Ashley hopes that one day when she is older the sweater will come back to her.

Morgan loves the sweater almost as much as her sister did. The day comes when the sweater needs to be cleaned. Then the sweater again grows. As a matter of fact each and every time the sweater is washed it grows larger and larger. Granny, Ashley and Morgan are constantly finding someone or something large enough to be able to wear or use the beautiful purple sweater with the white lace collar.

This book is a fun read from cover to cover.  The Growing Sweater, has won TEN awards!!  Three of them GOLD medals!! Including the Literary Classics Seal of Approval. Tassy Walden Award, National Federation of Press Women Children’s Fiction just to name a few. All those awards you know this book is a keeper! The Growing Sweater also received two enthusiastic thumbs WAY up by 5-year-old children’s books snob (and ending giveawayer) Alice Price.

The Growing Sweater is perfect for ages 4 to 8.

You can find The Growing Sweater on OmicronWorld, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other fine bookstores.

Publisher: OmicronWorld
Author: Jason J. Marchi
Illustrator: Ben Quesnel
Publication Date: 11-10-2014
Number of Pages: 32 Pages
Book Type: Hardcover
Size: 8.2″ by 10.2″



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