• Need me sum prudy words….

    I may not have exercised this morning, but, I’m sure the hyper me runnin’ around like a crazy person burned a lot of calories. I’m taping my 60 second commercial at Channel 10 tomorrow. I need to dazzle and intrigue people to come read my blog and vote for me. So far I’ve ruled out begging Paaaaaaaaaaleeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeee for 60 seconds. I figure that MAY NOThave the desired effect, cause my voice will get all high pitched and nasaly…. naaa not a good idea. So…. words… I have to have words. I also need to figure out what to do with my arms. Don’t be surprised if in my little commercial…

  • Okay… so… I was thinking…..

    It’s been a long time since I’ve thanked you for reading my blog. I try not to write sad and depressing blogs but I did tonight. (Yes, you should TURN AWAY!! Turn away!!) But it’s important that you know I appreciate you. I am a very lucky girl to have you all in my corner!! I really think that with all the stress going on in my life this year had it not been for the Channel 10 Half Year Resolution and this blog I would be at least 30 pounds heavier instead of almost 30 pound lighter. From the small stuff like moving my Mom in with us. To…

  • UGH!

    Just sort of UGH today!! Have you ever just woke up sad? No reason. Nothing bad has happened. I just am having a sad. I want JUNK FOOD! I want mass amounts of chocolate. AND potato chips!! I want to curl up in bed. I want a good book. Hot cocoa (with tiny little marshmallows AND whip cream). Congratulations to Dan and Heather who are in Las Vegas with my daughter Selena. They ran the Rock and Roll half marathon today. Dan finished with 2 hours 46 minutes. Heather finished with 2 hours 20 minutes. HOLY MOLY! That exhausts me just THINKING about running that far. I mean REALLY!?! Running…