Today would have been a good day…. if I could have stayed in bed ALL DAY!!! Or maybe gone home from work at say…. 9:30?!?!! Did everyone drink GRUMPY-ARGUE with the receptionist JUICE?!?! UGH!!! The best part of my day was a free taco from TacoBell The new Fresco soft taco’s are only 180 calories. I think I found a new favorite! Click the link and print a coupon for your free taco. You can thank me by being nice to the receptionists!! Now… like the Dread Pirate Roberts in Princess Bride “Good work. Sleep well. I’ll most likely stop blogging in the morning.”
Okay fine! I’m still here! But you KNOW the people at Channel 10 are going “Okay…. she knows she won right? She knows she doesn’t have to keep blogging doesn’t she???” So I’m pointing at YOU and saying it’s your fault!! I still can’t get over the “I’m STARVING” holiday stomach syndrome. You know… where you’ve eaten so much during the holiday’s that your stomach is all stretched out and it seems to always be rumbling!! I did sooooo good getting my stomach shrunk! I was full quicker, I wasn’t always hungry (except for M&M’s and fudge which don’t count. I can eat those anytime. Hungry or not!) Alright… I…
SERIOUSLY! Hot FLASHES SUCK!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know why somedays they are worse than others. (Today in particular!) I also want to know why hot flashes don’t BURN FAT!?!? WHY!?!?!? Okay that’s all… I’m off to stand in front of the fan for awhile.
What day is this?!?!
Yes, I know the Half Year Resolution Challenge is over. But you came to check to see if something was here didn’t you? How sad would you be if there wasn’t a picture and maybe a little note? I also wanted to know if anyone else is confused about WHAT DAY this is?!?! I was late for work today because this seemed like it should be SUNDAY!! It isn’t! Which means when I woke up this morning I was moving like a mini tornado to get to work! So for the record today is Saturday!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
WINNER ANNOUNCED! Congratulations, Connie! Connie received the most votes for her efforts in the Half-Year Resolution and has won the grand prize for it. Congratulations to her and the other contestants for their hard work and success! WOOOOOW!!!!! Thank you! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! NOW THIS is how you start a New Year!!! WOW WOW WOW!! I didn’t expect to hear anything for a week…. or longer…… but I should have known that Trudi, David and Patti at Channel 10 would be more organized than that. They are AWESOME!!
Happy New YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
As promised…………… I’m ringing in 2010 with champagne wearing my Princess Dress (tiara included!!! It IS the PRINCESS dress after all!!!) I hope you all have a SAFE and JOYFUL 2010!!! After I placed all the pictures in the blog…. in the order I did……. it makes it look like I got drunk and fell into a tafetta, netting, foo foo puddle of sparkling princess dress. For the record that is my first glass! HONEST!!! Would I lie to you!?!? (besides… it’s just too funny to change the order!) Happy New Year!! NOW back to that bottle of champagne! See ya tomorrow!