• Whipper snappers

    When I bought my first microwave my Grandma Jones didn’t really want to learn how to use it. Technology and all was not her ‘thing’. Me? I love new gadgets. Give me a new cell phone? I’m as happy as a clam! New laptop? I can’t wait to learn all the new shortcuts. I love gadgets!! EXCEPT this friggin’ ipod!! I have turned into my Grandma Jones over an ipod!! I don’t understand how to make the thing work!! I never use the manual for a new toy! EVER!!! Not my cell phone. Not my laptop. Not for a new appliance. Not even MY CAR! I LOVE figuring stuff out…

  • It was me…

    Okay no need to panic, that was me driving my car well under the speed limit. (with no black and white car anywhere in sight even!!) There isn’t anything wrong with my little zoom zoom. (Nothing wrong with me either for that matter) I was just trying to prolong the drive. I enjoy listening to books on CD. And right now I have found an awesome book!! Charley’s Web Written by Joy Fielding. It’s a mystery/thriller with some big-time WOOO WOOOO WOOOO moments. I can’t wait to get back into the car!! But I recommend not getting behind me while I’m getting my literary fix!! See ya tomorrow!

  • Good wrinkles!

    I read an article recently that asked “Do you get wrinkles in the brain every time you learn something?” The short answer is No. The long answer is cut and pasted below in cause you are like DH and need the long boring drawn out answer. Now that’s not to say the wrinkles aren’t important……the article went on to answer “Do the amount of wrinkles on your brain determine how smart you are?” Answer: The wrinkles are actually physical, tangible “proof” of your knowledge. All of this blah blah blah is just a way to tell you I got new wrinkles on my brain tonight!! I signed up for a…