• I hate Monday’s!

    What a way to start the day! All dressed up and no WAY to get there. Dead battery. But while waiting for DH to come home I did manage to get the house clean and the laundry 100% caught up!! WoOOO HooOOO yea me!! Oh oh…. new battery may not be all that is needed. Ohhhh HAPPY MONDAY!!! Well, one flatbed truck ride to the dealership later……….. I’m back home….. Today truly was a waste of make-up. I’m pouring wine……… I’m putting on a ‘GIRL’ movie so I have the excuse for one really good ugly cry. It’s been a really bad day!!

  • Owwww my eyes!!

    Watched back-to-back DVDs today. I do love Netflix! DH and I each pick one movie in our queue each time. DH really should never EVER be allowed to pick, he has REALLY AWFUL taste in movies. Meteor that’s what DH picked. This movie was SO PAINFUL to watch HE LEFT the room!! It’s his PICK!! Shouldn’t he be forced to watch it to the end?!! I lasted about another 30 minutes then I had to turn it off. PAINFUL doesn’t even begin to describe this one. My pick was really GOOD! (Of course! Heeeeellllloooo my pick had Gerard Butler in it!!) Gamer (course if you don’t like the blood, guts,…

  • Happy Saturday!

    Ahhhhhhhh the weekend is here! Finally!! I came home from work to spaghetti & meatballs simmering on the stove and even a bottle of wine sitting out! Ahhhhhhh now that’s a nice way to start the weekend … except now I’m enjoying a glass of wine and some little *&#%)(&# is sitting in his car parked under the window with his radio blaring so loud it’s making my windows shake. My weekend started out so good too… two different patients in for yearly eye exams, commented on the weight I’d lost since they were last in. That made my day! Especially since I haven’t budged in over 3 weeks (Yes,…