• I can… yes I can. I think….

    I was so excited to get the new Wii fitness game YourShape. (Just like about a million other exercise gadgets I have around the house) I have had the game for what at least a month right? Have I done anything other than the first part? You know the fitness evaluation! No I haven’t. That’s soooo sad!! But maybe I can embarrass myself into actually using the game? If I tell you I’m going to try to do at least 15 minutes a night for one week maybe I’ll actually do it. Starting tonight. I can do one week. Right?? It’s 7 days. I can DO 7 days. Right? That’s…

  • Zzzzzzz

    I know I am. It’s my weekend off and I’m enjoying it 100%!! I have been beyond lazy today!! YEA ME!!!

  • Munching away….. allll day

    Yea…. there was NOTHING ‘diet’ about my day!! Ohhhhhhh I was so bad today! Even having bread and lasagna after 9PM?!!? WHO eats that late?! (I mean that heavy… that late…….. ON A DIET!!! Ummm yea…. that would be ME!!) As a matter of fact I think I better get to bed NOW because there is a pudding cup in the fridge calling my name and I’m tempted to go listen!! See ya tomorrow.