• Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Ahhhhhhh I LOVE how the house looks when everything is clean.  Ahhhhhhh LOVE LOVE a clean house.  Growing up one of my chores use to be dust this particular chair….my Grandpa’s chair.  I HATED THIS chair!! HATED dusting it….. it took so long because it has so much carving….. sooooo why did I feel the need to beg for this chair when I grew up???  WHY?!?! It didn’t get any easier to clean and waxed….. but it’s done too.  Am I good or WHAT!?!? (Look at that! 2 days in a row with pictures from real life!!!!!  My life even!) Is that shiny and pretty or WHAT!!!!

  • Piece of Me

    Now wouldn’t you love to have one of these sitting on your kitchen counter?  I know I WOULD!!!!!!  While you are there take a look at this cute blog called “Piece of Me” I really want to WIN this!! 

  • So I had an idea!!

    So I had this great idea….. I want to try a whole year (ROFLMAO! did I actually say that out loud??) of a REAL picture for my blog.  You know I always include a picture that I think goes with my “post of the day” WELLLLLLL what if I could find something in the house…… in the neighborhood……. in my scrapbook that would work?  Could I do it?  I dunno… I wanna try.  Sooooooo let’s start with today. DH had his appointment for the heart doctor.. (ahhh tooo easy!! Picture of DH with HEARTS!  I love to collect heart shapes. These are nature made heart rocks).  We are a go for the…

  • Giveaway Sunday

    GIVEAWAYS ARE CLOSED A lazy day for me use to be to search the Internet for giveaways dreaming of that great vacation, those HUGE diamonds, that super fast computer now?  NOW I’m all excited about Baby ITEMS!!??!  Between the cutest little tea set for Emma, the little car set for Eli….. all sorts of new items for the newest member of our family Baby T I want all kinds of baby things!  Wait!! What?!?!  When did this happen?????? I’m the GRANDMA!!!  I not supposed to get excited about a walker! (ROFLMAO!!!!!!  I made a funny!! By walker I do mean for a CHILD not for myself… I’m not that old yet)  So for today I have to…