• Observations on Growing Older

    ~Your kids are becoming you… and you don’t like them… but your grandchildren are perfect! ~Going out is good.. Coming home is better! ~When people say you look “Great”… they add “for your age!” ~When you needed the discount, you paid full price. Now you get discounts on everything.. movies, hotels, flights, but you’re too tired to use them. ~You forget names …. but it’s OK because other   people forgot they even knew you!!! ~The 5 pounds you wanted to lose  is now 15 and you have a better chance of losing your keys than the 15 pounds. ~You realize you’re never going to be really good at anything … especially golf. ~Your spouse is…

  • California Snow

    Okay maybe it wasn’t really snow but the hail was coming down so hard and so fast it sure looked like snow for a little while! Course…. it was heavier till I grabbed the camera… isn’t that always the way?  Weather? Pet? Babies… whatever… grab the camera and “I don’t wanna do it anymore”

  • Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People

    If EVER there was a craft book that SCREAMED my name it’s this!! I am cracking up just reading the description.  I need this book!! Fave Craft site is giving away a copy… go!  Sign up!!  : ) You’re welcome!  You know I’m always looking for cool stuff for you! You might be able to tell by the title of Amy Sedaris’s new book that she’s not clambering to become the next Martha Stewart. In fact, her goal in Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People seems to be to poke fun at the crafting community. Readers may be offended by the implicit sexual remarks and drawings included in the chapter…

  • The craft room

    I’ve been trying really hard to get my craft room organized after the remodel.  (Refresher: added an apartment for my Mom… we knocked out my old craft room in the process….)  The remodel is officially done.  Our little 4 bedroom house is now a 3 bedroom with a full on apartment!  WOO HOO!!  But, since the kids moved out the ‘other’ bedroom had became the ‘catch all….store (throw) it in here’ room (ALONG with everything from my craft room).   I know you are imaging a tiny room with floor to ceiling boxes and crap stuff everywhere.  You would be soooooooooo RIGHT!!!!  I feel so 100% overwhelmed by this ‘room’ (is it really a ROOM if you can’t get…

  • ABC’s

    I think if you were ever pulled over by the Highway Patrol and could sing your ABC’s as cute as this…. I don’t think they would arrest you.  Nope.  (Or maybe…….. well, never mind) This is my beautiful Granddaughter Emma. Who is ONLY 2!!!

  • Gimme some PAINT!!!!

    I can’t even imagine how many hours and days it takes to pull off something like this!  How fun and frustrating at the same time this project would be.  But I wanna try!!  Zac! Bring me some DOMINOES!!  (My favorite part is the water glasses and the flags!)  Enjoy and hopefully your mouth is wide open like mine was. WOW!!