• All dressed up and no where…..

    Today was the day we were to find out the sex of BabyT!! We had a 10:00am appointment at the Ultra Sound Experience in San Marcos CA.  Selena was surrounded by everyone from the other set of Grandparents from Tennessee…… an Aunt & niece from L.A. we had family and friends take off work. All in all we had 14 people anxious to see this baby……. and the machine at Ultra Sound Experience is broken…. I can’t even tell you how disappointed we are.  We’ve been looking forward to this for weeks! We’re rescheduled for tomorrow morning at 9am.  Unfortunately not all of us will be in attendance tomorrow. I am so disappointed! It’s only Tuesday and it’s been a BAD…

  • Some glue… some paper punches

    Today was baby shower invitation makin’ day…..(Miss Barbara turn away… turn away! Or you won’t be surprised when yours comes in the mail! Okay.. fine.. but pretend to be surprised okay??) First I searched the internet for the perfect shower picture.  Then, I invited the baby Momma and Grandma Lynn to come help assemble. We used different paper punches to make paper flowers. I just realized there is only one little flower in these cut outs.  The party hats are for the tables at the shower… cute huh? BTW baby punches are NOT for sissies! They don’t just punch out easy! Then we used the little buttons for the center of the flowers.  And WHOOLA…

  • UP!!

    Ya’all know I love the movie “UP” but did you know someone actually wondered if they could make a real house fly with ballons? The answer is YES, they can! AND managed to set a world record. Dozens of volunteers worked around the clock in the Californain desert to get the custom-built house airborne with the aid of 300 eight-foot-high helium balloons