• Happy Easter!! With Pictures!!

    Y’all know I have a blog mostly to share photo’s of the Grandkids!! I thought I would share our Easter pictures with you. First, I have to give kudos to Superfly Kids!!  These Super Hero Capes were the HIT of the day!!! These are quality made, beautiful capes.  We LOVE these capes!  The kids had so much fun!!!  Don’t forget April 28th is Natural Super Hero Day!!  Join a Super Hero Run in your area!!  Read more about the run here.  For now…. check out how fast you  can RUN with a Superfly Cape!!! Follow Superfly on Twitter and Facebook. Need a Super Hero Cape of your own?? These are…

  • Dangers And Risks From Addiction

    I have some scary information to share with you today. The average girl in America has her first alcoholic drink at age 13 and scarier still, for boys it’s age 11!! ELEVEN! Those are some scary numbers. Young people that drink before age 21 are more likely to be in alcohol related traffic accidents, to attempt suicide, to develop violent behaviors later in life. Since kids are experimenting with alcohol earlier in their lives researchers think that teens are more vulnerable to addiction. The pleasure center of the brain mature faster than the section of the brain that is responsible for impulse control and executive decision making.  Leaving teens with a mature…

  • Frozen!! A Tale of Two Sisters! And MORE!!

    Unless you have been living in a cave, under a rock, you’ve heard of Frozen. This Oscar Winning Animated movie not only has amazing music, but also wonderful story about embracing your true nature. Disney has another huge hit on their hands, teaching young girls to support each other and stay true to yourself. My Granddaughter Emma is so over the MOON with this movie that she can recite almost word for word this entire movie! Singing?  Oh yea, she’s got it.  Because I know you haven’t heard this song enough…….. here is 5 year old Emma……. “Do You Want To Build A Snowman?” Remember the whole reason I HAVE a blog…