#Beauteefy Callus Remover #Review

Living in Southern California I am barefoot probably 95% of the time. Soooooooo my feet are, well, scary looking. So dry and cracked! ACKK!! These are not soft feet, my heels actually they are so rough they snag on my bed sheets. Okay, so got the picture? NASTY! Dry! Ugly feet. So, I begged the folks at Beauteefy for the opportunity to review their Callus Remover; they took pity on these tired old feet and agreed. Thank you Beauteefy!!

Now, I admit even though I begged pleaded, I was still a little skeptical about the strength of this Callus Remover, I didn’t think anything less than heading to Home Depot and grabbing an electric sander would work on my heels.  I am sitting here with a HUGE smile on my face letting you know ‘I don’t need no stinkin’ Home Depot sander y’all!!’

The Beauteefy Callus Remover works with 2 AA batteries that are not included; which I truly don’t mind because they did include an extra roller head.

Twist the base to insert the batteries and your ready to go. The Callus Remover is wide enough to fit comfortably in your hand no matter what angle you are using it.

Check out my nasty before and after pictures; I sure hope you aren’t having your first cup of coffee while you’re reading this!!

I can’t believe how well this little gadget works! I couldn’t be HAPPIER!! The roller head is a Mineral Roller with a long lasting surface that effortlessly and I do mean EFFORTLESSLY removes the toughest skin in seconds!!

There Callus Remover has a 8000 rpm motor which is truly powerful enough to remove deep callouses and dead skin. All that is left behind is seriously smooth, healthy feet. If you press too hard against the skin the Callus Remover shuts off, you can’t mess this up!! I am still learning to let the machine do the work!! I don’t need to push against my foot, just guide the machine and it will get the dead skin off!!

The Beauteefy is water resistant; not to be confused with water proof. So, don’t submerge this into water!  When you are done using the Callus Remover it can be easily disassembled for cleaning using the cleaning brush which is included in the pack.

See?? The Beauteefy Callus Remover is super easy to use and safe too! In less than 20 minutes I had done both feet, cleaned and put away my Callus Remover!! Super quick results; super soft, smooth skin!! I LOVE this thing!!!


Seriously? Did YOU SEE my heels? Did you see my heels AFTERwards?! Not one single whine!! Gentle, easy to use! The Callus Remover gently removes calluses, dead, rough, dry and hard skin in seconds. Made to last! Easy to clean!! Use the little brush or just rinse under running water. I am THRILLED!! Two very soft and pretty toes WAY, WAY UP!!!  BTW, did you guys notice I didn’t mock your latest snowfall?? I didn’t even mention our heatwave this time!!  Aren’t you impressed??




  • Harland Knobloch

    I had a neck rip on Nov.11 2015 worst day of my life! During the contrast dye injection, he hit my spinal cord and nerve root at C5-6 now I’m in the worst pain, can’t move my rt arm, went to a Psysiatrist and he didn’t have an answer as to when or IF I’ll ever be the same. I’m a single mom, out of work for weeks now no income . Depressed frustrated to the max! Dr is sending me for 6 wks of physical therapy.. Will keep u all posted. I have air pocket in my brain, 9mm by 2 mm damage on my spinal cord and nerve damage … Please comments are requested!! If u have been through what I have let me know what to expect, I feel useless right now and I’m right handed ?


    Connie, I beg to differ! Apparently when I was little I complained to my grandfather that I had ‘the ugliest feet in Christendom’ and they’ve only got worse since then. HATE them! Even Dad’s feet are nicer than mine & don’t get me started on Mum & my sister’s! I did have something like this a couple of years ago & started out with great intentions but it gave up the ghost and I don’t blame it! It would be great for Dad though; he’s diabetic like Tamra (above) & needs something really gentle to sort his heels out. Love your little tat!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I definitely need this! I have diabetes, so I have to be careful about my feet. I can’t use razors, a cut would never heal! So, this would be great for me.

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