• Chamberlain’s Leather Milk Leather Care Liniment No. 1 Review

    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. I have a great product to share with you today. Leather Care Liniment No. 1. This one is a light leather cleaner. Which means I can use it more often on my leather. ESPECIALLY my purse. My purse takes a lot of beatings, sticky jelly fingers, being tossed all over the place, being stepped on by grandkids and it really carries a LOT of stuff. Chamberlain’s is a milky, water-based natural leather care recipe with tons of leather enriching ingredients. First off, Chamberlain’s Leather Milk smells deeeelicious!! Which is probably why the label says ‘do not drink’ Yup, smells that…

  • Zim’s Max-Freeze

    This little can has already come in very handy TWICE in the last 3 weeks. My Mom had a really bad back ache, right behind the shoulder blade. I had just received my Max-Freeze from Zim’s and thought this would be the perfect test. Sure enough, Max-Freeze helped loosen that tension in her back. 2 days later, pain gone!  Now, a good daughter would have mentioned that the spray would be cold.  I am not that good. So, for the rest of you, yes, the initial spray is cold.  I woke up this morning with a stiff neck and a sore back. I immediately sprayed some Max-Freeze on the area. …

  • Another New Life by Sydney Aaliyah Michelle!! Cover Reveal! $10 Amazon GC GIVEAWAY!

    Title: Another New Life Author: Sydney Aaliyah Michelle Publication Date: June 2, 2014 New Adult Contemporary Romance **This book contains adult subject matter. Not intended for young readers.** Cover Design by: © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs Miranda Preston is a walking contradiction. Beautiful on the outside, but, insecure, haunted and damaged on the inside. Despite these contradictions, she’s ready to start Another New Life. When her talent wins her a piano scholarship to the University of Texas at Austin, Miranda arrives on campus determined to experience everything college has to offer and to keep her secrets in the past where they belong. An easy task, until the first guy…