• Aquarium with 2 fish

    MUST Have’s For A Healthy Aquarium!!!

    I love having an aquarium in the house. I’ve had fish for the last 30 years. I’ve had all kinds of fish!! Someday I want to try a salt water tank. SOMEDAY! For now though I have Oscars. MAN! These are some hardy fish! THANK HEAVENS!!! From the Grandkids wanting to feed the fish, to me forgetting to feed the fish! From the Grandkids wanting to help clean the tank, to me never having time to clean the tank!! MAN BIG fish means that the tank gets disgusting!! Having it near a window also set’s up its own problems like algae!! GRRRRR!! So, once again I say THANK HEAVENS these…

  • Odor Klenz detergent

    Let’s Talk Laundry!! Especially Removing Odors!!

    I think Hawaii broke me. I can’t seem to get into the swing of things! Try as I might I can’t get caught up!!  So, I am blaming Hawaii and being TOOOOO relaxed!! Coming home from vacation is never easy. So much to do before your vacation and then coming home?? HOLY MOLY there is even more to do!!! One thing I REALLY dreaded was the mile high pile of laundry. AACKKK! WHY is there always SO MUCH laundry?! My clothes are fairly easy to wash. Course there are days where I have paint, glue and jello all over my clothes and they take a little extra ‘help’. But, I…

  • Water cooler

    NewAir WCD-210BK Hot & Cold Water Cooler Review

    So, last week Alice and I were hanging around the water cooler; I know she is only three and the water cooler is in the dining room and not an office, but still that’s where we were sitting, having a lengthy discussion. Why the long discussion on the floor in front of the water cooler? Well, it wasn’t to discuss the latest Sons of Anarchy episode. Nope, it was to discuss why she shouldn’t push the button and make the water come out…. out as in all over the floor…. ALL. OVER. THE. FLOOR!!! I needed to know, WHY?? WHY do we have to let the water out? Well, so…