• Bluetooth Speaker

    Waterproof, Wireless, Bluetooth Speaker Review

    I know, I KNOW getting a Bluetooth Speaker strictly because it’s the perfect shade of green is wrong. Soooo I’m not going to tell you that was my original reason for wanting this one. Thank HEAVENS this waterproof, wireless Bluetooth speaker also sounds great. Not to mention, for such a small speaker this puts off great sound which you can crank up VERY LOUD!! It’s very clear, clean music with plenty of bass. AND of course, I love the look of this speaker. It is the perfect green color. The speaker has rubber all around it so it’s easy to grab and it stays put when you set it down…

  • The Furzie Lint Remover Wedding party kids

    The Furzie Lint Remover Review

    I admit it; I am a “As Seen On TV” junkie. I’m also the reason stores put impulse items stacked around the check out aisle. Sorry about that! I will sit and watch a full AS SEEN ON TV show every time! I can’t help it. Total impulse shopper here! When I was approved to review the Furzie I was so HAPPY!! You don’t even need to know me, to know I have a dog;  I use the term DOG loosely, because she is basically a shedding machine, a YELLOW ball of flying fur. Yup that’s our Gracie, she is our Yellow Lab.  Then there’s the cat. Kitty sheds worse than…

  • Smart phones and tablets

    Staying Secure While Shopping On Your Phone

    Do you remember when shopping on the Internet seemed revolutionary? We’d sit for hours in front of our computers and monitors, looking at specs and doing the research to pick the very best (and hopefully cheapest) whatever it was we were trying to buy. We jumped through hoop after hoop to add things to our carts and enter our payment and shipment information. We never dreamed that, within a few years, we’d be able to buy things in an instant from anywhere in the world, via a tiny device we carried around in our pockets. Today we can buy whatever we want from where ever we are. It’s easy to…