• IntelliGLASS Hardened Glass Screen Protector

    IntelliGLASS Hardened Glass Screen Protector Giveaway

    Y’all know I’m very addicted to my electronics. Greatest invention ever is the iPad. MAN I love my iPad. I’m thoroughly in love with the iPad Mini. Perfect size for my purse and where I go it goes! I can keep the Grandkids entertained no matter what! NOW, with that said Grandkids are sticky. Seriously! All three of them are sticky. By the time I get my iPad back I can hardly see the words on the screen; so when I was given the opportunity to review IntelliGLASS I was thrilled. Although I admit I really thought this would cut just some of the prints. I had no idea the…

  • Running man

    Running to Get in Shape? Top Tips to Stay Injury Free

    Running is a great way to get some exercise, and a lot of people who just start by doing it once a week find themselves with a great fitness regimen. You may never win a marathon or a gold medal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy running and even get pretty good at it. However, running, especially if you’re looking to run long distances or improve your speed, can be pretty hard on your body. If you want to be good at it or even do it for years, you need to take care of your body. Use these tips to help you get in good shape and make…