• New Sport Neckband Hands-free Headset

    New Sport Neckband Hands-free Headset Review

    Check out the bottom of this post for a COUPON CODE!!!! This is the first time I’ve tried a Sport Neckband Hands-free Headset and I had no idea what I was missing! This is a super comfortable way to wear your hands-free headset.  The neckband is a 3-D ergonomic design that rests comfortably behind and around your neck. The part of the headset that shows in the front is a hard plastic material that lays flat and comfortably at the collar-bone. It’s very comfortable! Behind the neck the headset is made of a very comfortable light weight rubber type material called a Elexneck strap .  This is really comfortable all the…

  • Skin Lightening Cream - enLIGHTen

    Skin Lightening Cream – enLIGHTen Review

    Summer oh how I do love summer time. I’ve told you before I was the queen of summer time tans. I love the sun-kissed look, I really truly do. Although those summer tans from my teens and twenties have caught up with me big time in my 50’s. So as good as it felt to me then it feels a million times worse NOW!! Now thanks to wrinkles, and these stupid age spots I feel like I’m 90! I HATE age spots!!! Even though you don’t see the damage right away over time, the sun’s ultraviolet light shows up in freckles, rough texture, white spots, and the dreaded age spots.…

  • Candy, Candy, Candy Who Loves Candy?!

    Me! ME! ME!! Shouted a chorus of Grandkids. Including the NaNa! It’s okay they can have plenty of candy just before their mothers take them home. I don’t mind. (Insert evil maniacal laugh; it’s payback for their teenage years) Truthfully, I could almost, ALMOST give up coffee to feed my candy addiction; but I’m keeping both for right now. You want to make your mouth drool, salivate, and your tummy growl? Head over to Bulk Candy Store. HOLY MOLY!! It’s Willy Wonka on steroids! Candy, candy, candy! Every delicious type you could ask for. My very first impulse was to buy for me. me. me. Instead, I asked for the help…