• Fruit Infusion Water Bottle

    Fruit Infusion Water Bottle Review

    You’re thirsty aren’t you? You know what sounds delicious right now? An ice-cold glass of water…said no one. Ever. Until now. I know that totally sounds like the intro to an infomercial but I couldn’t resist. So you don’t like to drink water? Well that’s because it’s boring, you either love it or hate it but you know you need it. I’m not trying to sell you on good health, you get plenty of that from every facet of your life; I’m trying to save you money. That’s right MONEY! Drinking water infused with fruit or herbs means you spend less money on junk food, less money on soda and…

  • mothers day spree clipart

    Win a $1,000 Mother’s Day Shopping Spree!

    Win a $1,000 Mother’s Day Shopping Spree! BoomBoom Prints is an exciting new company that connects graphic designers with young families- and they are giving away a $1,000 shopping spree! Already interested? Enter here! At least one mom this year will receive a gift of a lifetime for Mother’s Day- a $1,000 shopping spree from BoomBoom Prints! I sure hope it’s a Peanut Butter and Whine follower!!  Just in case you’ve never heard of them, BoomBoom Prints is a company that allows graphic designers to simply upload their artwork to the site and they turn it into beautiful products for young families like wall prints, onesies, baby bibs, and more.…

  • Custom Made Slippers From Wool Walker

    Custom Made Slippers From Wool Walker! They Are Heavenly!!

      I have the best idea for Mother’s Day! Trust me; I’m a Mom, so I know these things! Slippers! Now before you roll your eyes at me and dismiss my suggestion let me show you these CUSTOM-MADE Felt Slippers from Wool Walker!! Custom-made in Mom’s favorite color!! Ahhh now you’re interested aren’t you!? Continue on my friend because you may just want to hint around for a pair for yourself!! I’ve got a 15% off coupon code at the end of this post!! First, these are the warmest slippers EVER!!  E-V-E-R!! We have ceramic tile throughout our house; it doesn’t matter if it’s winter or summer these floors are…