• Nuvo Electronic Cigarette Review

    This business appears to have closed. BUMMER! A few short years ago I lost my younger brother to cancer. That really reinforced the fact that smoking is a nasty and dangerous habit! Now, I promise I’m not going to preach or harp at y’all. HOWEVER!! My 34-year-old son Zac doesn’t fall under that promise! While Zac is a little too old to ground or take away his x-box; no matter how much I want too!! I can harp at him. A lot! An AWFUL LOT!! Zac’s a fantastic son!! I want him around until he’s 101! Or longer! So I hinted in a very firm voice, using the ‘mom face’…

  • Little girl asleep with her Enky Travel Pillow

    Enky Travel Pillow Review

    First the whine….. where was this little gem when I flew to Hawaii a few months ago?!!? This is the handiest travel accessory ever!  E-V-E-R!!  However, you don’t have to be taking a plane trip or even a long road trip!! How many times have you looked in the backseat and saw this?!?! Alice and her poor neck! It makes my neck ache just looking at this picture!! I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to review the Enky Travel Pillow. First! It inflates fast! Fast as in can be fully inflated in 2 big breaths!!  Or if you’re me; more like 4 breaths!  Second it offers neck and…

  • little girl playing Fish Fish Squish! Board Game

    Fish Fish Squish! Board Game Review

    If you’ve been around my blog for awhile you know I’m a HUGE fan of Winning Moves Games! LOVE this company!! Winning Moves just celebrated it’s 20th anniversary!! This awesome company is a USA, Massachusetts based, maker of both new and classic board games. Everything from card games and puzzles including THE RUBIK’S® CUBE, PASS THE PIGS®, SUPER SCRABBLE®, and so many more wonderful family favorites. Winning Moves Games are FAMILY games!! Wait till you see the new games we have!! Starting with Fish, Fish, SQUISH!! Oh my gosh this is so much fun!!! I love games that I can play with 3-year-old Alice that challenge her and yet make…