• Nifty Seat!! Coccyx Seat Cushion

    Nifty Seat!! Coccyx Seat Cushion Review

    My daughter Selena was here the day my Nifty Seat arrived, I pulled it from the box and her greedy little hand shot out like a flash. The way she cradled the Nifty Seat I didn’t have the heart to take it away from her. So, here is her review of the Coccyx Seat Cushion: Ah my back is killing me! Well, it was anyway.  My day at work is divided between sitting in front of a computer and trudging around on a concrete floor. My joints and my lower back take the brunt of the punishment. To be fair my desk has been evaluated by a contracted ergonomic specialist,…

  • Family Friendly Can Still Be Fun to Watch!!

    Do you remember how when we were kids, swear words weren’t allowed on television? It wasn’t until the ‘90s that even the word “hell” was considered taboo on primetime television. Bras were rarely mentioned, let alone seen and the closest to nudity shows got was unbuttoning a guy’s shirt. Violence was rare and was used only when absolutely unavoidable as a plot device. Wow, are those days over. Today kids can turn on even family based television shows and hear all manner of language, see more skin than we even knew existed at their age and violence is everywhere. Violence–even brutal graphic violence–is seen as a form of entertainment. Don’t…

  • Diamond Candle

    April’s Diamond Candle Giveaway!

    It’s APRIL already!?! Again, who put my life on fast forward?! I truly thank you for stopping by; I feel incredibly blessed!! Thank you! THANK YOU! Thank YOU!! I will continue to giveaway one Diamond Candle a month; until you are bored with this giveaway or until I find something equally as fun to giveaway! Your choice a Diamond Candle or $25 PayPal! The PayPal part of this Diamond Candle Giveaway is open World Wide. The candle will have to be a USA winner. March’s Winner is: Cheryl A Congratulations!!! Check your email! If you are new here; This is a single blog giveaway, I am paying for this giveaway…