• A Sparkle Red Girls Dress From Itaar!

    Get ready for cuteness overload!! I’ve shared with you before how much 4-year-old Alice loves to play dress up!!  Whether it’s costumes or frilly dresses she just loves sparkles, lace and frills. (hummmm wanna guess where she gets that from!?) Wait till you see her primping in her new ‘Princess Dress‘!! Such a ham! (yeah, yeah, yeah she gets that from me as well. Gesh, y’all know me so well!!) This dress is amazing! Under $25!! Starting with the skirt portion of this dress, it has 6, yes six layers of fabric so it has lots of swing to it. The bottom layer, next to Alice’s skin is a lightweight…

  • My shadow book cover

    A Classic From Robert Louis Stevenson. My Shadow!

    It doesn’t matter if it’s 1915 or 2016 kids are fascinated by shadows! Written in 1915 by Robert Louis Stevenson this is a timeless classic!! It is as true today as it was in 1915. I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me . . . Not just a pretty poem; but a great learning poem as well. Where does your shadow come from?  What causes you to have a shadow?  Can you find a shadow outside? What about inside? Does everyone have a shadow?  Does your dog? What about the vacuum cleaner? Y’all know me I love kids books. I love how excited 4-year-old Alice…

  • Space heater

    Unique Heat Portable Space Heater Review #UniqueHeat

    Several years ago we built on to our home, adding a Granny Flat for my Mom. It’s been awesome!! She has her own kitchen, bathroom and enclosed patio. We thought of everything….. Well, I thought we had. In hindsight we should have added her own heater. When it’s cold and The Husband and I turn on the furnace it’s stifling hot in the main part of the house before it really reaches her. We tried everything from closing all of our vents except the family room where we hang out but that didn’t help. We started shopping for space heaters but my Mom has a very curios cat and 3…