• flowers

    Hospice From My Point Of View

    If you are new here Friday December 22 my Mom had a massive heart attack. I decided to write about my journey, wait, my Mom’s journey? Well, however we classify it. This is a Hospice story from my point of view, Helen’s daughter.  This is the 5th of 5 posts about our Hospice experience. On Day 4 of Hospice Care at 3:45 am December 29th my Mom passed away. I had a ‘feeling’ when it was time for bed and that she was slipping away. So I pulled up a chair and stayed by her bed holding her hand and talking to her as she passed away. It was peaceful.…

  • My Perspective On Hospice

    If you are new here Friday December 22 my Mom had a massive heart attack. I decided to write about my journey, wait, my Mom’s journey? Well, however we classify it. This is a Hospice story from my point of view. This post was written on the 28th of December. Day 4.  At 3:45 am December 29th my Mom passed away. I had a ‘feeling’ when it was time and that she was slipping away. I stayed by her bed holding her hand and talking to her as she passed away. It was peaceful. Mom is pain free now. I will continue my string of posts about her care for…

  • retro RV

    Three Convincing Reasons Why Your Family Needs to Vacation in San Antonio With an RV

    Think vacationing in an RV is out of your reach? Think again! From buying new or used RVs to renting them on sites like Outdoorsy, it’s easier than it has ever been before to pack up the whole family and hit the road in an RV. If you’ve never stayed in an RV, though, you may feel intimidated. Just because you haven’t done something before doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try! Here are four convincing reasons why you should vacation in San Antonio in an RV. You’ll Save a Ton of Money When it comes to vacationing with family, things can get expensive fast. And the more family…

  • Roses

    In Praise Of Silverado Hospice

    There is no change in Mom’s condition. She is comfortable. Sleeping most of the time. Her breathing is very shallow at this point and she is opening her eyes less frequently today. But like the granny in the movie The Croods STILL ALIVE!! I’m going to start sounding like I WORK for Silverado Hospice!!  I’m just so impressed and grateful to the people that have come into our lives these last 4 days I want to share my experience. Yesterday’s post I talked about what Hospice care is through my eyes. I don’t work for Silverado, I had truthfully never even known they existed until Christmas Day, let alone have…

  • flowers

    What Is Hospice Care?

    I  gotta be honest here; I had a totally different idea of what Hospice Care was. I truly live in my own little fairy-tale land. Seriously. Some of the things that I review just amaze me!! I can’t believe that they exist. Automation faaaaagetaboutit!  Simple things like the fax machine? BLOWS my mind!!  HOW does my machine know what the other person sent me!?  So, basically I’m a kid in a grown up body. So, in my own little fairy-tale world I heard the word Hospice and I pictures one of those movies where this nurse in a crisp white uniform, white tights, white shoes, snappy little nurses hat comes…

  • Life changes sign

    Life Changes In A Split Second

    I debated a long time with this post. First, just whether to even write it or not. But, in the almost 8 years I’ve been writing Peanut Butter and Whine, it’s been an ever-changing blog. I’ve always written what was on my mind (ha, or what’s left of it anyway!) and what’s happening in my life. So, today you get the Cliff Notes version. I explain more, add my thoughts and my new understanding of well……. basically how bad it sucks to get old. On Friday December 22 at 6:00 pm I went to my Mom’s granny flat at the back of our house to check on her as is…