• Brussel sprout salad

    A Guide To Healthy Teen Food Choices

    One of the best courses of action regarding good teenage health is to create an environment that makes the consumption of healthy food easy for children, but without placing pressure on them to choose healthy food.  Teen food choices aren’t always the best. Does this sound confusing?  This article provides information on how to make this work. Stocking The House With Healthy Food The saying may not be monkey see, monkey eat; however, this is the case when practically placing healthy food in a home.  Without having an individual grocery budget, teenagers tend to eat whatever is in the kitchen when at home.  If you stock up on sliced vegetables…

  • Improve Your Employability Handshake

    3 Things You Need To Do To Improve Your Employability

    Do you want to know why many of us struggle to get a promotion or find new employment elsewhere? It’s because we don’t have the employability factor. That doesn’t mean we will never get a job, and it doesn’t mean we don’t have anything to offer. It just means that, to many employers, we fall short when it comes to other candidates. So, how can we improve your employability? How can we become the people that employers say ‘yes’ to when we apply for positions within their companies? There are several steps we can take, and these include the following. #1: Get the right qualifications Going back to school is…

  • Blog Schedule Blog letters

    Keeping To A Blog Schedule When On Your Travels

    If you’re someone who runs a blog, and you’re very dedicated to the business of keeping it updated on a strict and constructive schedule, taking time off might be quite hard for you. You relish in your work, and you love to get on with it, and taking the time to go on vacation or just take a weekend trip away can get in the way of your business efforts! Of course, it’s good to take a break now and again, and you’ll always come back recharged and thinking for the better. But just because you’re traveling doesn’t mean your blog has to go on hold! Don’t fear, you can…