• Phone Buying Less Painful Child A Cell Phone

    Should You Give Your Child A Cell Phone?

    It’s difficult to imagine life without cell phones, but when you were a kid, that’s almost certainly the case. Now it seems as though kids are getting their first cell phone at an even younger age, and it’s something that’s usually top of the wish-list. Deciding when to give your child a cell phone is a difficult choice, and each child is different. To help you and your child prepare for getting their first cell phone, take a look at the following and work out if it’s the best decision for you. Are they old enough? Children mature at different ages. While one eight year old might be very responsible for…

  • Traffic in San Diego


    Just a quick check in. Yes, still in sunny California along with 987 BILLION other people. I do not know where all these people have come from!! HOLY MOLY!!  I feel like all I’ve done is park on the freeway. I know I always complained about California traffic when I was here but after you move away and get use to a sloooooooooooooow pace it’s rather over whelming. I forgot about go 70mph then come to a dead stop kind of driving. What kind of drivers are in the UK? Do you find it hard to get to work?? Do you sit on a freeway too?? For hours?  Do UK’ers…

  • Secure Is Your Business censorship-limitations-freedom-of-expression-restricted-39584.jpeg

    How Secure Is Your Business Premises?

    There’s a lot of focus these days on the constantly looming threat of cybercrime. And although that is a huge factor in ensuring the safety of your business and livelihood, forgetting about the security of your physical premises would be a huge mistake. If you haven’t already taken proactive steps to minimize risk and ask yourself just how secure is your business, it may only be a matter of time until you find yourself vulnerable to an attack. The good news is, that you can get on the front foot now and find ways to protect your business.  Develop A Risk Assessment All good security improvement plans involve taking a…