• Mom and daughter

    April 5th Photo-A-Day LOVELY

    Photo-A-Day LOVELY.  Today my LOVELY daughter Selena turns 42. I can’t think of a better LOVELY! Selena is LOVELY inside and out.  She’s a daughter, a sister, a wife to the Golden One Dan. A Mom (yes, to my perfect Granddaughter Alice) Selena is a college graduate. Graduating with honors while working full time and she’s a busy Mom!! She is a Property & Evidence guru for the Police Department in Escondido CA. She is partial owner of Chain of Custody Pro; an organization that teaches a class for fellow officers the importance of correctly impounding evidence. She is a U.S. Navy Veteran. Selena is a Volunteer for the Sexual…

  • Burlington, Vermont Family Vacation car clip art

    Surviving Your Family Vacation

    Your family vacation is something to look forward to – you deserve to get away after all of your hard work. But like anything else that requires planning, organization, and everyone getting along, family vacations can be stressful. To avoid the tears and tantrums on your vacation and ensure you all have a great time, take a look at these survival tips and enjoy your best family vacation yet. Think about what’s gone wrong before If the same things ending up going wrong year after year, it’s time to make some serious changes to how you vacation. Think about where things have been difficult or not enjoyable and look for…

  • Antique Doll Photo-A-Day Childhood Toy

    April 4th Photo-A-Day Childhood Toy

    Photo-A-Day a Childhood toy. Seriously?  This prompt has my eyes wiggin’ out!! Which ONE of my childhood toys to share? OF COURSE I have toys!! I mean helllllllllllo, have these past Photo-A-Day pictures not made you a believer when I say I AM A HOARDER?!? One of my all-time favorite toys was actually my Moms. When my Mom was 5 she wanted a brown eyed babydoll. This was at a time when most of the dolls had blue eyes. Leave it to my Grandpa to find a brown haired, brown eyed doll at the Goodwill!!  By the way, did you know that the Goodwill has been around since 1902?? And…