• Audio Book lady listening

    Attention Audio Book Fans!

    I’m a big audiobook fan. I listen on the treadmill (HELLO!! ME! Treadmill! 4 times now. It’s a start! I’m slow as molasses in the winter but I’m doin’ it!) Anyway, I listen on the treadmill, in the car, and with earphones at night to go to sleep, sitting here typing this post! I love ’em! I found Chirp. I don’t even know HOW I found Chirp. Every day they email me with a new set of deals. Some as low as .99¢ If the title or cover of the book appeals to me, I click Learn More Then I hit play sample. Now, if you are like me, you…

  • picture time cougar

    Picture Time!

    Picture time is my favorite time. I have a couple of really cool shots to share with you!! The sky on Sunday night was pretty spectacular so I thought I would share. While washing dishes I always stare out the window and there was all sorts of activity under the window. I saved the best for the last! 8 miles away!!  One of our neighbors has a BIG KITTY CAT (mountain lion) come visit his trail cam. This shot is TOO GOOD not to share!!!  YES, I know it’s bad but I REALLY, REALLY want my own trail cam shot of this kitty!!

  • Prayer Sunday

    Sunday Prayer List

    This is the 2nd week of the Sunday Prayer Requests.  I am co-hosting with my friend Sonya over at Sonya’s Happenings.  I hope you will go over and see Sonya’s site! She’s a sweetheart! As I said last week, I’m not a real religious person. I was raised Catholic. However, I haven’t been to church in years. I do believe in the higher power of God. I do say my prayers at night. I do believe in the power of prayer.  I don’t think prayers need to be formal I think you can just TALK to God. So many of us Peanuts could use a prayer said for them. Anytime you need…