Ander Blake Acrylic Paint Review!

Art is one of those things that I don’t believe you have to be good at to enjoy. I also believe that children should be encouraged to express themselves with art. Have FUN with it!!

3-year-old Alice and I do art projects at least 3 days a week. Her favorite activity is painting! Oh my gosh that girl loves to paint!! Whether we paint on paper or canvas she loves mixing colors and creating!

I am THRILLED with our new acrylic paint setfrom Ander Blake. This acrylic paint sets contains 12 paint tubes. Colors from black to white, scarlet red to forest green. burnt sienna to lemon yellow. 12 colors total and endless colors available when you start mixing! This set is perfect for kids, adults, beginners and professionals.

These paints are perfect for painting on canvas, wood and even fabric.

I watch 3-year-old Alice at my daughter’s house, so I bring my art supplies back and forth with me. These are the perfect size! Each of the 12 tubes has.40 ounce of paint in them; the tubes fit nicely in a cardboard box. Nice and compact!!

Our creations!

Our first projects Alice painted 2 unfinished photo frames. We used our new acrylic paints and the paint worked wonderfully. I was very impressed that the frames only needed one coat of paint even on unfinished wood. After our paint dried we added a coat of sparkle glue; then Alice went to town adding her buttons. These frames turned out so absolutely adorable!!

How cute is that frame?!?!!?

Next project I gave Alice a blank canvas and a dab of all the colors included in the
acrylic paint set except black. Note to self; next time no brown either. The kid loves to paint in brown! I wanted a bright and cheerful painting, Alice had other ideas! She must be in her Van Gogh phase. She is giddy over her creation.

Last project we did was a sun-catcher; just  a little plastic one we picked up at the store. These paints worked perfect!


Not a single one! These paints are excellent quality. 12 beautiful colors. Compact and easy to travel with! Add a drawing pad and a bow and they make an excellent gift!! Bring out the artist in you!

Follow Ander Blake Company on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Be sure to check Pinterest in particular! WOW some very cool painting tips and ideas!





    The picture caught my eye as I was rolling up. Its BEAUTIFUL! I would hang it on my wall. My great niece is now 6 and one visit she told me about a painting on utube.

    You have a large plastic bag/ziplock and a canvas that will fit in the bag. You take different paint and pour a small amount on the canvas. When you have all the colors on the canvas you place it in the bag. Then you rub your hand on the plastic bag in different directions. And your colors are all spread out……………….. Take it out and let it dry You get some really beautiful pictures.

  • Rosie

    These do sound great! I once had a set of acrylics, as I had been into art, but gave them away, too many “hobbies,” and decided to keep just sewing and let go myriads of others, including oils, pastels, watercolor, etc. Acrylics are fun to use!!

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